Viper re-coil rope!


New member
Jun 22, 2004
Kitchener,ON Canada
Can I shorten the recoil rope by 8" to get rid of the thin spot that keeps rubbing on the chaincase? Anyone know how much trouble it is to replace, if I can't shorten it. Any idea's on how to stop it from wearing out? I only get about 2 seasons out of it.

What year Viper do you have I have a 02 and ther is a plastic guide you can get to go in the top of chain case
It is an 03 and I think I will order the plastic guide!

Can I shorten this rope by about 8" to get rid of the thin section? How does this guide attach to the chain-case.
Viper-Rules! said:
Can I shorten this rope by about 8" to get rid of the thin section? How does this guide attach to the chain-case.
with a nut and bolt .... the guide sits in a metal loop.
