The Kings Yamaha!!!


New member
Oct 15, 2007
well all i have owned was yammies and have not had to many problems... and i seen a polaris mod sled and thought thats a really good looking mod... ok i do like the sled but i took it 2 miles down the trail and POW! the thing locks up... so i take it home cussin the whole way!!lol i pulled it in to the shop and tore it down to find the crank bearing was out of it... so then my thought is "it has to be fixxed"... so i checked around and come to find out the polaris's has bad cranks to start with!! now the whole bottom end is on it way to slp for a big bearing kit... i knew not to stray off the path of great machines (yammies) but i did and got bit... owell all is good because i still have my srx mod to ride so here we are ......... any otherstorys out there?
Was your Polaris mod by any chance a 900 IQ? I've heard of many of those going boom. I've rode with many friends that ride rmk's, we haven't had to tow one back yet. Now Artic Cats on the other hand...
wow that didnt take long ..i seen the sled did look nice ...and i aint a polaris guy.....sorry to hear that skip ....

The problem is with some of the polaris's is the some of the pto side bearing is a sealed bearing..theirs a mod for it,you have to use the older style bearing and port the case so the oil injection pump can do its job..
the new case comes with a big bearing kit and greese ports machined in to the case.. and another reson for the pto bearing going bad is that the clutches get out of balance and boom! so slp is going to do the big bearing kit and mount and balance the crank and clutch... all should be good after this...
shavedheadedyamaha said:
the new case comes with a big bearing kit and greese ports machined in to the case.. and another reson for the pto bearing going bad is that the clutches get out of balance and boom! so slp is going to do the big bearing kit and mount and balance the crank and clutch... all should be good after this...
Lota coin to be sticking in a POO... ;)
There new 750 turbo dragon and IQ chassis have problems with 2 or 3 out of 10 with the motor takin a dump within first 2 hours. Yamaha or Arctic Cat for me.
ive got to be honest,i rode polaris for 7-8 yrs without any major issues!i personnaly think that any sled can be a pos if not cared for!yamaha or other.i put over 10k on 2 diffrent polaris models but every fall i tore em down and went thru them.ive heard there 800 and 900 twins did have crank issues due to not having a counter balancer.they efectivlly shake themselves to sure once its repaired and modded you will really like it.i try to look for the good in everything.theres a reason they owned the market for a long time!now skidoo on the other hand----wow who mounts a cdi box under the engine!but very smooth riding.imo
I have ridden Polaris for over 15 years. Yes there have been a few polaris' with crank bearingissues, but they usually only manifest on modded sleds. The only exception has been the early xlt/ xcr 600 monoblock motors. Some of those would go within their frist season. But the bearing fix has been known for a while, and they changed the bearing design on the 96+ monoblock triples. Like any other brand, polaris has had a few they wish they could go back and change before they released them. Even yamaha had major problems with their early new style SRX cranks. I would have no issue riding any brand of sled, as long as it were not a cat. I learned my lesson on that a long time ago.

I am sure you will love the "rmk from hell" you have once you get the bearings fixed.
well my lesson with my cat is i bought a 96 zr 580 i was allwase having issues with the thing pto baring blew up so the drive shaft popped out then after i got that fixed the Chane snapped it damaged the Chane case so it wouldn't hold oil any more then when i was going across the ice the bottom end blew up melted the piston i only owned the thing maby 3 months i just sold it to some chump 200 bucks i payed 800 and put over 400 in to it ok so this is why i now own a yami when i was 18 i bought a 1988 phazor beet the hell outta the thing never died i would seriously jump the thing 10-15 feet bottoming out the track all the time and the sled kep on coming back 4 more my dad also used to own a old exciter that thing was one of the funnest sleds ive ridden it topped out at 105
lets see. crappy clutches, cheap bearings all over, poor fit and finish, engine mounts that break only after 500 miles on a brand new sled, and overall just poor quality.

What do you expect from the company with the least amount of $$ to play with? Yamaha, Polaris and Bombardier are all huge in comparison to cat.
