99 Venture 700 triple shuts down


New member
Apr 10, 2005
UP of Michigan
When I recently started up my '99 Venture with 700 triple for the first time this season it fired up fine and sounded smooth for the first minute or so then coughs, sputters and stops. In other words, I can put it on full choke crank it over, go to half choke then none it will soon shut off. If I then use no choke it will fire right up and sound fine for a minute and just peter out. Is it fuel, oxygen or spark? (latter seems unlikely). This is done in a garage so the temp is not extreme. Never had a lick of engine trouble for first 3160 miles. Any ideas what things to try in what order. Thanks in advance!

P.S. I tried swapping plugs and cleaning them but did not help.
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