1984 Phazer carb removal?


New member
Dec 7, 2008
We tried to remove them without removing the airbox and could not seem to get them out of the boots.

Is there something I'm missing?

How do I remove the airbox?

It looks like I have to remove the gas tank/airbox cover piece. To remove that, it looks like I need to remove the windshield, light, and handle bar.

Is this correct? Are there dissassembly instructions, or a downloadable service manual posted anywhere?

you don't have to remove the air box. remove the two bolts that hold the airbox in. remove the clamps between the air box and carbs, you will be able to get the carbs out then, done it a million times w/o pulling the air box
it is way easier to remove the box instead of risking ripping the intake rubber or breaking the seal of it. there is a bolt over by the brake caliper and there is 2 bolts under a little cut out piece you have to use a screwdriver to pry open in the gas tank cover located just below the left handlebar grip
ramblnman said:
it is way easier to remove the box instead of risking ripping the intake rubber or breaking the seal of it. there is a bolt over by the brake caliper and there is 2 bolts under a little cut out piece you have to use a screwdriver to pry open in the gas tank cover located just below the left handlebar grip

is this ray stevens the disc jockey....???
It can be done without removing it, but removing the airbox and driven pulley will make it easier for someone who does not do it often. It will make it much easier to get at the carbs. Remove the driven pulley. Remove the airbox fasteners, pull off the intake tube by the brake and pull the box out. Do not separate the carbs. Pull the carbs out of the boots and then remove the hoses.
That also gives you an opportunity to grease the jack shaft/pulley splines which should be done periodically.

Working on the carbs of a Phazer was one of the things that made Cat-Pol-Doo mechanics swear at Yamaha.
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