I removed my speedo pickup and the bearing was gone!!!!!!!!


Sep 3, 2003
Last season I had a nasty belt failure that did some damage to the belt guard and other stuff including the speedo pickup housing. I wasn't to worried about the speedo so I thought I would wait until the off season to fix it.

Well today I removed the old bent up speedo drive housing and was shocked to see that the axle bearing was completely gone.

The bent housing rubbed on the bearing which caused so much heat that the bearing started to fail. I only road about 100-150 miles after the housing damage. Unreal that so much damage could occur in such a short time!!!!!

Now I am faced with replacing this bearing.

It's difficult to make out what is the housing and what is the old bearing.

Can someone please explain the proceedure for replacing this bearing?

Is the collar with the set ket part of the bearing?

Everything is so fused together I can not tell what is what. I tried heating up this collar although it won't move. I would hate to take the axle out since I just got done installing the rear skid and replacing my gear case oil.

Any help is appreciated.

I think your going to have to pull the shaft to have any hope of getting the bearing off. If the inner race is fused to the shaft you will need a press and heat to get it off. If the press dosen't work I've used a lathe to machine races off shafts. You might be better off trying to find a new shaft. Sorry for the news but I've seen $20000 spindles end up in the scrap bin because of this. :cry:
couple things to try, get a 3 jaw puller for the shaft....heat it up and pull the inside retainer....or take a die grinder and cut the race in two locations and the race will come off. The outer race, your can try , drilling out the rivets that hold the retainer ( part with the 3 studs) and take that to the bench and try cutting or pounding that out....something to try.
Better check the lower chain case bearing and seal while your at it. With that shaft flopping around in there, it may have damaged them. I've seen chain case housings and covers get broken when that bearing fails.
You might try cutting couple of groves in the inner race with a cut off wheel, then splitting the race off the shaft with an air chiesel. Just be carefull not to cut into the shaft, and wear saftey glasses.
I worked on this thing until 2:00 AM last night with no success of getting the inner race off the shaft. I tried heat, penetrating oil, vice grips, chisel, etc. NO LUCK!
I starting using my Dremel to cut away at the race. I had to quite so I wouldn't be a zombie at the office today.

I assume after a few more hours I'll get it off.

THANKS for everyones input.

After about twenty cutting disks, me and my Dremel got the inner bearing race off. What a royal pain in the ass. I should have just pulled the shaft out of the sled about 6 hours ago.

Oh well, now I don't have to pull the skid out again unless the bearing on the other side is shot too. Tomorrow I'll pull the chain case cover and pray.
