250 enticer head torque


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Lapeer, Mi
I just picked a sweet ET250 except it was locked up. I pulled the head off and used sea foam and WD40. I got if free. Its got good spark and good compression. Im just not sure what torque spec is for the head? appreciate any help.
I see you haven't gotten any help yet. I don't know about my Yamaha but both my 80's era Arctic Cats say 12ft/lbs first time around and then up to 18ft/lbs for the second round of tightening. That's it. They don't require a lot. Like I said though - those are arctic cats and I could be way off in the Yamaha world. I'd problably call a dealer and speak to a mechanic.
Marvel Mystery Oil works wonders for freeing up locked up stuff as well. The decompression switch hangs up on those too. You want a parts sled cheap I want to unload it fast. It could be running in a few hours with the right guy messing with it. Has new belt and new hyfax. I was in the process of converting it to use a mikuni roundslide and had it running just need to fine tune it.
