hey i'm riding the U.P. on the 9th Of jan,


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Jackson Wi
Not this friday but next friday i'll be up there for the whole weekend. Hey daman that would be awesome if you could make it up to the houghton hankcock area, cuz thats where i'll be....

guys let me know if you will be around the U.P. Area during the 9th. of jan, its a fri, sat, and sun,

i work at a metal fabrication shop, and they hold an anual get togather up there, the shop isn't very big, so its basically like 7 people. we are for sure going the 9th thru 11th, we will be taking the 5 place enclosed and i will be driving seperate because i got people i am staying with in chassel.

look for my white flame totallyamaha.net windshield decal. on the 01 srx

is there a way you want me to contact you guys when i'm up there?


tomseal6 said:
ill be up there on the 16th. can you make it that weekend?

i think you should attempt to make it the 9th - 11th, we are hittin up a notorious hill in the houghton area.

its a good possibility that i will be going to the eagle river ride the next weekend also
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Yamidude59 said:
i think you should attempt to make it the 9th - 11th, we are hittin up a notorious hill in the houghton area.

its a good possibility that i will be going to the eagle river ride the next weekend also
Ill still be at my house in Mississippi the 9th-11th. I dont start my road trip for Michigan till the 14th at 4PM central.
VenomMod said:
This notorious hill you speak of, is it Wheelkate or aka the "Bluff"?

Been there, unfortunally did not have the cojones to go up with no studs that day, but no matter what I will hit it next time.
For someone is like a walk in the park, right Drew....?

Hope to see you soon, I know I owe you a PM, coming soon.....

yea, my bbuddy has been on the hill before, He says your better off if you got studs, and that its pretty icy on top, i'm having a hard time imagining what this hill looks like, i don't wanna think mountains but i don't wanna be disappointed with this "huge hill"

I'm tackling this hill when i go up. skis pointed north the whole way!
It is pretty steep, you'll be fine with the 700, but that year was my first with a 136 1 1/4 and no studs on my 600, I just did not want it to have issues.

Post some pics when you get back.

I will post lots of pics! thanks! Yea i wasnt worried about if i would be under powered, this sled is anything but that. well not anything, lol.
Studs, you need studs for that hill. It's icy near the top. The hill isn't too bad, but I've seen enough sleds get totaled on it. I've ran it enough to know what it's like. It's a nice view from the top. The key to that hill is to choose the correct line. One side you need a mountain sled, another you need a sled with a lot of picks.
Hope to see some of you guys up there, i'm all for a ride with you guys, but not so sure about my buddies. We probably gonna stay with our own group. just look for my TY sticker on the windy.

I mean how many yami riders are up in the U.P. if i see a train of em i know its TY.
Well overall i think the weekend went good, we put on about 370 miles, about 35 of those were towing miles, i towed a buddy back to the hotel, his F6 (F7 big bore kit) blew up on the trail.... so it was about 35 miles back to the hotel....

we never went to that hill over in the houghton hancock area... but we found some other cool hills to climb, my buddy on his 99 srx had belt slippage problems so he wasnt climbing much... i was ridin in alot of powder over by the hotel, it was awsome....

our hotel was about 7 miles north of republic, not too sure what town we were in.

Crewchief, were you in L'anse on saturday afternoon? coulda swore i saw the red white black nitro in the city near the hilltop restaurant.
We use to run a chain of 4-5 yamahas when we went up to the UP. We were rare, we were taken the SRX's off the trail all along the lakeshores over by whitefish point. That is probably my favorite area to ride in. You can ride all day up there and never see another sled.
Went to the top on a then new 2000 Phazer, but it was spring conditions. Cousin turned out on his 600 MXZ, but he had belt problems. The MXZ 670 with us went to the top easily. However, that hill does demand respect.
