New member
I am curious how the RX-1 and Vectors handle out in the trails. I like running forest service roads as well which normally are not groomed. Is there any particular year that is better then the other or any year to stay away from? I am not concerned with top end. I stay away from lakes and like corner to corner power. The tighter and twistier (twistier may not be a word but you know what i Mean) the trail the better. Would appreciate some feedback.
all depends on the year of rx1. the vectors i have no experiance with but i hear on the 4stroke side that they do not have as much of a power hit as the rx/apex motors do.
from the looks of the sleds you have listed, you would prefer the 03 rx1 as the seating style is more traditional/lower. i hvae 05 war and i had to put an 03 seat on it to get my slot-car feeling back as after 03, they started to raise the seat for more rider forward feeling.
i test drove a 03 rx1 before i decided to *** it to the list of sleds i was willing to up-grade to from my sx500r. the one i test drove had 10000km on it and a bunch of upgrades done. i do know there was clutching, track and front suspension stuff done to it but what sold me was the power hit when rolling onto the throttle.
good deal you are looking at?
from the looks of the sleds you have listed, you would prefer the 03 rx1 as the seating style is more traditional/lower. i hvae 05 war and i had to put an 03 seat on it to get my slot-car feeling back as after 03, they started to raise the seat for more rider forward feeling.
i test drove a 03 rx1 before i decided to *** it to the list of sleds i was willing to up-grade to from my sx500r. the one i test drove had 10000km on it and a bunch of upgrades done. i do know there was clutching, track and front suspension stuff done to it but what sold me was the power hit when rolling onto the throttle.
good deal you are looking at?
New member
I am looking to get away from traditional seating position. The only reason i still have the old 94 is it runs like a champ and is paid for. Sickness and lay offs have kept me from upgrading. Seems like every year something happens just before snowmobile season. Vasculitis one year. Daughter sick next. Following year torn tendon in elbow. This year lay off, but I will be back to work soon
well then you want to look at 05+ sleds as they are more rider forward. you can make an 03-05 rider forward with a riser and an apex/attak seat. lots of guys have done this on the 4 stroke side and love it. have not heard of too many ppl doing this to a vector though but since it is same chassis as the rx it should work the same.
i have short legs and i do not prefer a higher riding position so i lowered mine. i think i am the only guy to have done this that posts on ty as everyone else goes taller.
i have short legs and i do not prefer a higher riding position so i lowered mine. i think i am the only guy to have done this that posts on ty as everyone else goes taller.
blue missile
New member
you will find the vector is probably to most versatile of the group. you will love the torque of the 973. and if you are not concerned of warp speed you will be good to go, as you will never see 100mph without mods. but it will bring you home every night and not empty you're wallet and you will still be able to stand up and walk. read some of the snow mags the veck is always at the top of their list as a best buy and one of the top sleds in their comparisons.
New member
I've seen stock Vectors break 100 on the gun.Not by much.
Another mod that is being done to the older RX1's, is to add the 15mm stabilizer bar to help keep the sled flatter in the corners.
Mike, are you on ?
Mike, are you on ?
New member
No I am not. I am actually am considering selling my 4 seater street legal sandrail. I drive it about twice maybe 3 times a year. My trade to get a Jeep instead. I hate to sell the buggy I have alot of time in it. But it doesn't get used much. I have only been to the Silver Lake sand dunes once. My sandrail tears up the hills like mad. Gotta love a hopped up 180 HP 2.3 ford in a 1,000 pound buggy with 4.56 gears. I beat my friend up test hill and I gave him a rolling start with his 1915cc VW. I sat at the bottom of the hill let him pass me then did a second gear take off and passed him halfway up the hill. If I sell it I will post it here.
New member
I really like the tq of the 3 cylinder vector. I was quite impressed with my demo rides on them, and would get an older vector over a 03-05 rx1. Plus IMHO, the vectors inline 3 sounds sweeter than the inline 4's.