New member
I have a line on a 2002 Mountain Max 700 ER with 3,000 miles on it. Are these nice machines. What would a good price to pay for it? How are they on the trails. I think track has been changed too a 1.25 or 1.5 ripsaw. It has USI skis on it and has had some clutch work done. Any querks with them? Are the comfortable on 150 mile or more rides? Are they reliable?
New member
I know they are reliable, a good price for here in Newfoundland would be around 4500 bux, in the U.S. I dont know. the ripsaw is more of a trail track, but where it is longer it probably will have alot of flotation, especially compared to a short track, i'd say if it a price, then go for it.
I had an '01 Mountain Max 700. Decent sled for off trail but we did not like it for the mountains. Other freinds said the Mountain Max sleds in their groups could not stay with the RMKs for serious high elevation and tough riding.
Again, OK sled for moderate off trail - kind of a cross over.
Again, OK sled for moderate off trail - kind of a cross over.