Almost every sled mag in print will have an issue presenting the latest in jackets,bibs,gloves etc and while that's very informative in letting us know what's available how about doing some real world testing on these things?I realize that I'm talking about countless jackets,pants,bibs and pairs of gloves and mabey the idea isn't realistic but it sure would be nice to see a review of gloves for instance to help with the purchase decision.And yes I know not everyone has the same tolerance for heat and cold so the testing would almost certainly have to be done by one person per garment ie one doing coats one doing gloves etc,you get the idea,and hopefully that would keep the results somewhat uniform.
Perhaps some of the members on here know of a web site that has such reviews and could post a link?
Just shit that goes through my head while watching tv
Perhaps some of the members on here know of a web site that has such reviews and could post a link?
Just shit that goes through my head while watching tv