need better than mothers aluminum polish!


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
just stripped my tunnel on my srx 700, polished it with steel wool, and finished it with mothers aluminum polish. it shined like a mirror for a day then lost its gleam. I have heard of polishes that keep the shine, anyone know of any???
yea polishing with steel wool= no no, Just use a clean shop rag and do circular motions, works way better.
truck tool box polish from Lowes, I like to apply it to my tunnel after mothers, and then I finish with a coat of mothers carnuba, lasts half to all of the season as long as I just rinse off the dirt with warm water, no soap.
I used John Deere's metal polish, not exactly sure who really makes it but it's held up pretty decently.
If it is really badly scratched not you need a polish first. Maybe some of those real fine grit aluminum polish bars. I can't remember the color you will need but white comes to mind.

I don't polish my tunnel cause it's black but I did spend a good afternoon polishing a 2"x2"x.125 aluminum bar I was going to use on my boat and 1"x1" aluminum "L" trim piece I put on my boat this past summer and got it looking like a mirror. The Flitz and Mothers polishes just made a mess. The clay polish bar cut in real good and even took out the scratches. I tried it all and that is what worked for me the best.
