

New member
Nov 27, 2004
does anyone have the replacement part number from Advance, Auto Zone or Napa for the stock donut gaskets for the single pipe 700 triple?
2003VIPERER said:
The Donut Off Of The Exhaust Manifold Can Be Found At A Local Carquest Store. There Part Number Is 9051. It Costs Around 3.00 Bucks. It Worked For Me. It Is A Little Different But It Worked. Hope This Helps Out!

I tought the only place to get parts was the Yamaha dealer.....Is there anything I don't know......

It is not a Yamaha part. It is a standard automotive item.
we/i researched this last year and came up with a close part but not close
enought it would work right...
The one I needed for my 600 twin was like 9 dollars, yamaha part....

I bet I could have saved a few $$ with an auto part.
When i bought mine which i didn't need and still have it was like $30 at my local yammi dealer. If you need one i'll sell it to you for $20+shipping, if you can't find one or find it cheaper. Some may say its expensive but its brand new and i'll hold onto it if not.
I found them both at local stores, the large one @ Napa, the small one @ auto zone, $6 for both.
