Ripsaw and Extrovert Drivers

Oct 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
I'm getting ready to long track my Viper but would like to use 9 tooth extrovert drivers and a Ripsaw track but because of the window design (every third closed) on the Ripsaw it won't allow for extroverts.

So, I've been thinking :o| :beer:

Are there any potential problems that may arise by grinding off every third tooth on the driver. This should allow the rotation patterns to match. Are window clips a concern or potential problem?

An alternative may be to grind off two teeth on the drivers leaving a tooth in every third position. I suggest this one because of the clips. This will still maintain contact throughtout the rotation of the driver with the track.

Any suggestions (besides going with 8 tooth drivers) or other solutions would be great.


You would probably be better off cutting the closed windows open. They are also shops that fully clip partially clipped tracks if you think this would be a problem. Cutting off most of the teeth on the extroverts kind of defeats the purpose of the extroverts, especially for the cost of them.
The Ripsaw is available in 136" every window punched and clipped. Part #9969H.
another issue is grinding everyother one you eventually end up with none using an odd no of drivers.

cut out the windows
Don't know about grinding off one tooth on the sprockets if it possible but what happens if you rachet the track on hard acceleration?
