Minnesota / Michigan trip


VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
syracuse indiana
Just got back last night from our 2 1/2 week Minnesota / Michigan trip. Minnesota was """COLD""" we only had one day above 20 degrees most where around 0 to -15f. the snow was good the trails where groomed most of the time. I ran my carb heaters on day when 10 inches of power and -18, this was our last day with the carb heaters, engines seemed to run better in the powder. ran a total of 420 miles in Minnesotta, then trailered to meet up with some friends in the Jorden river area in Michigan. ran 300 miles in two days. snow was perfect trails in good shape for the amount of traffic. Not one problem with any of the yamahas. Every one started in any weather condition we had. Ran with an Acrtic Cat 600 with a TORS problem and a broken recoil. in Minnesota and then in Michigan a Cat 800 which broke the drive axle, had to tow to edge of road. we saw many broken down cats and ski doo's. must be weak or abused. overall a very good vacation and safe trail ride. We will try to post pics when my son gets his camera here. Al
Glad you had a good and safe trip. Deffinitely try and get some pics up asap!!
its been busy up north Friday thru Sunday. i am headed up north Thursday and Friday. i always see broken down Polaris and skidoo's. them 800 cats like to break drive parts cause man do they make some power! cant beat a Yamaha for reliability!
