Yamaha Oem Helix Angles


New member
May 2, 2003
Andes, NY
I have looked in the tech section and I found a listing of the Yamaha helix angles. Problem is, it doesn't seem like a very complete list. I have found several helix #'s that are not on the list. Does anyone have a COMPLETE list of these? To be more specific, I have an 8BV70 and 3 8BV71's. I know the later of the two are straight 47's but what about the 8BV70?

madmatt, the 8bv70 is also a straight 47. if i'm remember right, all the ones that end in zero...like 8bv70, would be pre 2000 stuff and anything that ends in "1"....like 8bv71, is 2000 to present stuff. hope this helps.
Does Yamaha make different helix for each different model or do they use the same helix for all there models in a model year?
Daring said:
Does Yamaha make different helix for each different model or do they use the same helix for all there models in a model year?

yamaha does use different helixs in different models. ex...viper mountain uses a 45 deg helix and a regular viper, uses a 47 deg helix.
I have a 90 Phazer. Will a new helix work on my clutch or do I have to be carefull when buying a helix (not just because of the angle)?
i believe your secondary helix, is different from the newer ('97 and up) secondaries. I'm unexperienced w/your sled, so I can't help ya any further....sorry. somebody else might know.
no you can not use the 97-up they will not work you have old style if you need some might have one i had same sled or your other choice is calling Bender Racing
I'm just wondering what my options are for both the primary and secondary as far as adjustment parts. I know I can change weights, springs and helix but most of the old stuff is not sold anymore. Will have to get a hold of the race shops and see what they may have. Thanks
remove secondary clutch use a 7/8 inch wrench and you will need a set of snap ring pliers to remove helix be sure to wind it to b2 thats what i always set my phazers at
