Boss Seats and the options


New member
Feb 22, 2006
Grand Rapids, MI
I am thinking about taking the $500 plunge and buying a Boss highrise seat. Can you guys tell me what options you have and the pros and cons of each? pics would be great as well. Thanks, Kevin
Boss Seats are money well spent! Only downfall is getting one in time for when you want it by. We are a dealer and if it was ordered today, according to Boss' System, it would be delivered last week of January but with Boss, that really means 1st-2nd week of February.
team2 said:
Boss Seats are money well spent! Only downfall is getting one in time for when you want it by. We are a dealer and if it was ordered today, according to Boss' System, it would be delivered last week of January but with Boss, that really means 1st-2nd week of February.

Can you shoot me a price for an all black hirise for an SRX with the storage/shovel pouch on the back?
I only rode my new to me SRX with a boss high rise 150 miles last year and it really makes it a whole new sled IMO. Seating position is so much better(Im 6'1) esp. for someone that does alot of sit to stand up riding.
ExpertXViper said:
I only rode my new to me SRX with a boss high rise 150 miles last year and it really makes it a whole new sled IMO. Seating position is so much better(Im 6'1) esp. for someone that does alot of sit to stand up riding.

That is what I am hoping for once I finally get one.
what options do you have on it and do you like them? would you do something different if you were going to buy a new one?

Brett, your seat is not a's just a flat top. A highrise would be two inches taller than yours. I am 6'3" and have a highrise on my viper. I love it. Definately $$ well spent. Here's how I justify it. Sell your stock seat for $100. Buy a Boss for $500 and ride it for XXX years. When you are done with it you can sell it one here in about an hour for at least $350. So it will cost you $50 if that to have the riding position these sleds should have had from the start.

I am really leaning towards the Boss seat now the next step would be risers and cable extensions. I have a 2" rox riser with the stock seat and that seams a little low yet.

what are you guys with Boss seats running for a riser setup. again any pics and recommendations would be helpful. ;)!
definately do the boss highrise or flattop, i had one of each on both my vipers and they are by far the best mod i have done not performance wise. totally changes the sled.
boss flat top with 4.5 in riser and still could use another inch. i ordered the storage pouch and got the shovel pouch? but oh well, love it and it was worth it considering my seat was trashed and stock ones are around 2oo used. im not sure that i like the high rise as i feel it puts me a little to high compared to the flat top. be aware that their build times seems to be way overestimated and lots of folks have been disappointed with their wait times from order to delivery.
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good info thanks guys.
redsnake which seat did you like better?
bolin just out of curiousity how tall are you?
Per your PM request heres some pics. I am running a 6" pivot riser, 2" block riser with pro taper bars. The Boss hi-rise is by far the best thing i did to this sled. Just buy it, you WONT regret it.





i am only 5'9" but i still like the highrise more, mainly i think because the flattop i had was abit softer foam and had the 3 gal. tank in the back. it completely changes the riding position and i will not own another viper without one. i sold my flattop over the summer and greatly regret it already. gonna have to try and get that back soon... my highrise looks like mtnmax600 except its red instead of blue
Boss seat

I owned 2 Boss Seats, one on a MM and one on a SRX. Both sleds were heavily modified. The seats were the same. Both flat top high rise, shovel pouch, nitrous sleeves.


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I'll try to get you some photo's of my high rise. I'm running a 4" pivoting Rox riser with Attack bars. I like!

Madmatt said:
Brett, your seat is not a's just a flat top. A highrise would be two inches taller than yours. I am 6'3" and have a highrise on my viper. I love it. Definately $$ well spent. Here's how I justify it. Sell your stock seat for $100. Buy a Boss for $500 and ride it for XXX years. When you are done with it you can sell it one here in about an hour for at least $350. So it will cost you $50 if that to have the riding position these sleds should have had from the start.

What do you put on your sled after you sell your boss and need to sell your sled??

Hey good point! Guess you got me there! Last sled I sold I unfortunately left the seat on it. Sled before that I sold with out the seat. Sled before that I parted out! LOL! ;)!

thanks for all the input and pics guys.

where is the noss pouch? is it inside the shovel pouch area? I don't see it in any of the pics
My custom Boss seat combined with the ZX2 suspension and I have absolutely no desire to move to the newer rider forward sleds. Best sled I've ever owned, hands down!


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