Need some help with this problem


New member
Apr 1, 2006
Lake George N.Y.
O.K. I thought this was a jetting problem but guess i was wrong the sled does not idle have feather it to get it to go. It also back fires took the carbs off put everything back to stock even tried the carbs off my sxr even once it is up and going it does not run right anybody have any ideas besides a match
The carbs that were on the sled are all clean and it still has this problem but i took the carbs off my sxr and it does the same and i've been riding my sxr for the past 3 weeks and it runs fine.
Had an issue like this on a jetski this year and had to replace the cdi unit. The spark advance unit is/wasdesigned and built into coil.

Try unplugging your cdi box and re-plugging it back in...maybe have dirty contacts??? usually back firing says its a lean condition, check the intake boots for cracks are the intake bolts tight, were the boots ever removed? if so were the gasket surfaces absolutely spotless before new gaskets were installed? How many miles on the sled??
Check the compression - or if you don't have a gauge, remove the Y pipe and look at the pistons.
