How would an 07 Apex GT standup in a drag with either an 800 SDI Rev or an 800 E-Tek Rev?Thanks
If Turk is right then my moneys on the Apex. It should be able to beat a phantom sled

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Yeah, It appears that the 800SDI was only in the legend chassis, not the rev. AFAIK, the only etec is the 600 at the moment.
SiR X700
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06 GT v 08 Ski doo 800 renegade. Both were bone stock. They raced twice and were dead even till 80 than the GT pulled away
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yeah there is no 800 e-tech and apparently there's not gonna be one either, there's a rumor about it, but its not true, but the GT against the rev 800, i'd say GT will take it down
I might have My Ski-Doo models wrong but a Guy I know bought a Rev and put 600 HO stickers on it and raced a F-7 and beat Him. I was told the Doo had an 800.The other day I was riding with 2008 800 Doo and it could have been a XP and that is what I was wondering. I really didn't but the GT to race but just wondered how it stacks up.Even if it got beat it is one unreal snowmobile and I love it. No one seems to want to find out.I look back to when My Dad bought our first sled and it was a 8 horse Ski-Doo and what they are today it is unreal.
was reading an article in a sno mag @ the shop the other day ( it was either snoweek or snowgoer - not sure which one ) that compared advertised sled weights to real world weights. the xp800 weighed 445# & the apex 624#. they both have the same h.p. - around 150. unless andre' the giant is riding the xp it will smoke the apex.
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Specs and weight aside, the apex vs the 800xp is closer than the specs say it should be. Lined up with a guy we ride with numerous times last winter. Most the xp ever beat the apex by was about 1.5 sled lengths up to about 90mph. That was with him getting a good start and me not so much. I weigh about 35 to 40 lbs more than him also. When we switched sleds (me on the xp) the xp never won.
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Are the Apex's faster than the Attack's ??? ( 121 vs. 136 tracks )
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MSASRX said:Are the Apex's faster than the Attack's ??? ( 121 vs. 136 tracks )
Should be...
The attak weighs more due to it's longer track. Also, the longer track takes more HP to spin since it is a longer, heavier track.
But, I can say that when I demo'd yamaha vectors, the long track (rs rage) that I was on was a bit faster on the top end than the guy riding beside me on a short track vector. The one I had pulled away every time from him, and we had told each other to drag them on the way back, so he was giving it. Obviously as demo units they were stock. I also weighed a good 75 lbs more than that guy as well. So you may get one that is stronger than another.
New member
Well in our group there is a 08 xp800 and an 07(i think) attack. Sometimes the xp can take him but most all the time the attack beats him. And the other day a guy showed up with the new AC 4stroke turbo. Both of the other sleds gave it a bad woopin.
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NYsledneck, you men the new 177 hp ZI jaguar turbo?
If so I am really surprised. I don't like cats, but I know that every magazine shows that the new 1100 turbo cat is the fastest of all the new sleds. It should be, it has near 20-30 hp more than all the other brands top sleds.
If so I am really surprised. I don't like cats, but I know that every magazine shows that the new 1100 turbo cat is the fastest of all the new sleds. It should be, it has near 20-30 hp more than all the other brands top sleds.
New member
Well i`ve heard the same thing but what mags say and whats the truth are 2 different things. The guy with the Z1 wanted to race and after the 3rd time of getting beat badly he left. Maybe it is a lemon but it sure wasnt impressive.
If the doo has alittle clutching it will easily smoke that yami. Here watch this.
The person that said the apex "only lost by a sled and a half". I don't see how thats an "only" statement. It lost by alot if it lost a sled and a half length.
I raced an 08 nytro last night and beat it by two sled lengths with my doo and my vmax pulled neck and neck with it. Both are stock except the vmax has clutching. If we had another 200 feet the nytro would have been long gone by me. I think the heavy sleds need alot more room to beat something.
I have a video but it was too dark to see anything very well on the computer.
The nytro sounded like a 747 at take off the whole way, it was awesome!!
The person that said the apex "only lost by a sled and a half". I don't see how thats an "only" statement. It lost by alot if it lost a sled and a half length.
I raced an 08 nytro last night and beat it by two sled lengths with my doo and my vmax pulled neck and neck with it. Both are stock except the vmax has clutching. If we had another 200 feet the nytro would have been long gone by me. I think the heavy sleds need alot more room to beat something.
I have a video but it was too dark to see anything very well on the computer.
The nytro sounded like a 747 at take off the whole way, it was awesome!!
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maxout01 said:The nytro sounded like a 747 at take off the whole way, it was awesome!!
I know I love the nytros and vectors for that reason.
Sledneck, maybe his z1 turbo was not broken in yet? If it is like many other sleds, they don't make the power they should until 500 miles or so.
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Needs more then 500 miles cause so far no ones Z1 is king of the lake.
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PhatboyC said:Needs more then 500 miles cause so far no ones Z1 is king of the lake.
I bet we see better numbers once they break in better, and or the elctronics allow full boost.