Economy and snowmobile businesses


Jan 8, 2005
Western Michigan
I have sold my sleds, but still dream of snowmobiling in a few years. I also keep up on the trail conditions of my favorite spots.

One thing I seem to notice is the discounts and specials that seem to be offered. Are these businesses really that slow? Is the amount of snowmobiles decreased drastically?
what do you mean by that Nosboy?? I always will look for a good deal on a sled,.Dealer out here tried real hard to try and sell me a 4-stroke new.Said I would look good on one.I said..yeah..but the price is out of wack.Besides not worth it for me to purchase a new sled anyways.Winters haven't been that good and can't see forking out nearly $19,000 (incl taxes) on a Apex. Way over priced and if the Manufacturer wants to sell lots of sleds in the near future,they are going to have to learn to start getting them prices down.Doos,brand new here are way cheaper to buy,that's why there are so many of them in my area.
I know my local Yamaha Dealer is doing alright in sales. With the new incentives that came out yesterday, he's expecting some more sales on the Nytros real quick. But, I've noticed that there hasn't been nearly as many people up here riding so far this year as years past.
VenomMod said:
I know my local Yamaha Dealer is doing alright in sales. With the new incentives that came out yesterday, he's expecting some more sales on the Nytros real quick. But, I've noticed that there hasn't been nearly as many people up here riding so far this year as years past.

That is what I was referring to. The diehards will be up there, regardless, it is the people who do this just for fun, that may say, "not gonna do it this year"
we who have been doing it for a long time will still be out there.People that do it as a get away thing or with the family..I can see that it has been for many year the family outings.A lot of young guys only are out there to because maybe papa bought them a sled,but otherwise they wouldn't be out there.On our River system out here it used to be plastered with sled tracks for miles,but now the odd track exists only.Mind you the River froze up pretty bad this year,to many ice ridges.I went finally to the spot I usually take my SRX and do 1 mile runs.This year it is rough and I can see ice sticking up thru the snow.So I turned around and went back home and hang around the ditches.
Tourism in michigan is down, despite awsome snow.Some motels report a 50% drop in business over the busy years, but surprisingly the dealers and repair shops are doing decent all things considered.
people are holding onto their money and the "horray for me,,, SCREW YOU is MORE PREVALENT in the snowmobile market.. Maybe your local dealer is selling stuff cheaper these days,, it's because he's been screwing you BIGTIME for so many years,, he's not selling as many sleds because of the economy,,so,,he tries to sell them at their "normal prices" and YOU THINK that he's selling stuff for a good deal!!!! Thats what i mean about GREED!!!
If you want to buy a NEW YAMAHA,, i will hook you up with a guy who sells for a few hundred over his price.. I cannot advertise that because of TROUBLE on his end,, but,, If you want to drive to CHICAGO with around 10,000.00 in HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS,,,, he will give you a great deal.. These dealers have to pay a HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH on EACH MACHINE that sits in their warehouse or on their property EVERY MONTH that they hold onto the machine.. If the sled sits from JULY to DECEMBER,,, thats $600.00 for ONE SLED..... Naturally,,, YOU have to pay for that.. My friend will GET YOU A SLED and put it together BRAND NEW and only make a couple of hundred dollars on you... If you're READY,, e mail me and HAVE THE CASH READY,,because it's a CASH DEAL,, no checks,,no money orders,,no loans,,,etc,,etc,,,etc.... We are NOT GOING TO PLAY back and forth prices... You tell me EXACTLY what you want and I will order it for you.. I NEED A CASH DEPOSIT to order and I promise you it will be 2 or 3 hunderd over his cost....
my stepson is on his way back to Wisconsin this am. Maybe he could swing around to Chicago and pu one for me.Will it strap down on the roof of his Mazda.Man I wish I was a little closer to you Gary....DAMN!!!! That sounds sweet.
I always wandered how much a dealer makes on a sled sale,like a normal dealer .I guess they have to because in between sales they are not making enough $$$$ besides selling some inflated parts as my dealer does. I can pu parts at 50% less thru the USA by the way..if the dollar was more even mind you.I pu clutch parts last year from Rich at basically 1/2 the cost what my dealer would charge.Now that the exchange is hurting us,I am holding back on purchases..cause shipping charges are still added to the price.
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What are you saying Nos Boy, the dealers in Chicago are selling sleds higher than suggested list price, or all dealers which you might think are priced high? I will not buy any new sled from a dealer. I usually shop at the sled auction, for myself and my customers. I understand a dealer has to make a profit or they will not be in buisiness of selling snowmobiles at all. The new Yamaha snowmobiles are way over priced for what you get. The used price is more realistic, the new sled owner is going to take one heck of a hit if they plan on trading in or selling. Polaris and Ski Doo are much better priced on new sleds. Cat's are not even worth looking at, not at any price.
NOSboy, I wish I were in the position to buya new sled, otherwise I would gladly drive to Chi town.

Is this a this season only deal, or is it a normal deal he gives so nobody needs to deal with loans and other BS?

Hopefully next fall I will be able to get on a 4 stroke yamaha. At worst I want to get a nice used one.
If he ORDERS you a sled and you pay 100.00 bills for it,, he doesn't have to pay the 100.00 a month to the bank for "holding the paper" on it.. If a dealer marks up a sled for 1,000.00 more than he buys it for,, he has 10 months to sell that sled to make a profit OTHERWISE he BREAKS EVEN,, If he has that sled for MORE THAN 10 months,,, he LOOSES money on the deal... now TEN MONTHS is somewhat of an exxageration,, because dealers charge 1200.00 and MORE added to the price THEY PAY for it just to keep the doors open.. MY FRIEND has a VERY GOOD WAY of making money and he does REAL GOOD at the "business end" of it.. It usually takes a few weeks to a month from the time you order it until the time he gets it,, but sometimes it takes only a few days.. the warehouse is in KENOSHA WISCONSIN and I am NOT SURE if the sled comes from THAT warehouse or not... It s a REAL GOOD DEAL for someone who KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT he or she wants and can come up with CASH MONEY !!!! I've done it ONCE with my 1999SRX and I got a SWEET DEAL ON IT!!! ( I think it was around 5200 or 5700 OUT THE DOOR)!!!
