phillips 66 injex oil


New member
Nov 16, 2008
niles michigan
anyone tried it or know where to get it. i wanted to try sea and snow but cannot find it around here. someone said gander mountain but i was there and they do not have it. i have also been to meijer , walmart, tsc, rural king still nothing. i heard injex was around $10. / gallon. :2strokes:
a local shop sells that stuff and the owner swears by it. i've used it in my old '99 srx 700 and if i remember, it was like black tar. i wouldn't run it.....i only used that 1 gallon i got from him to try, and wouldn't use it anymore. i personally love the amsoil products. i would run intercepter any day of the week, before i thru that philips stuff in. just my .02
I picked up 2 gallons of Citgo Sea and Snow at the local Gander Mountain. I hunted all over the oil isle and could not find it. I even asked and they had no idea. I went the next isle over and looked up and there is was on the very top shelf next to the over stock of Yamalube. They had like 6 gallons left. I got it for like $20 for a gallon. I am going to check out Kamp oil and see how much they sell it for. I needed some on Saturday and Kamp was not open.
Ran a a full gallon for 2 sleds Saturday night no problems seemed to run fine.
Kamp oil is $15.86 gallon for Citgo...2 cases they deliver if on their route.>( I am,, :rofl: ) Have you checked your dealer for 2s this year ?? I have not seen it below $27.
i have not bought any this year. i wont pay $27.00 for it either. last year i paid $18.00. the local oil dealer does not have sea and snow anymore because they are switching brands. they do have kendall GT1 for $16.00 and they willl be getting the injex srtuff .they are on my way home so no shipping. i dont need oil yet so i will keep looking.
I don't know the closest distributor to you but check out this website and search for your nearest rep (I typically order a case and have it shipped right to the house):

I've been running Injex Pro in both my 02 SRX and the wife's Viper S as it's formulated specifically for powervalve applications. So far - so good (approx 7500 between both sleds). Note they do make a few different flavors of "Injex" so if you're running it in a sled w/power valves, I'd recommend the Injex Pro.

There was a comment about the stuff being black and sluggish. That must have been one of the other flavors, not Injex Pro. IP is purple in color and burns very clean (in comparision to Yamalube or or similar oils).

Hope this helps...
