Proper Gearing for 151" Mt Max


New member
Dec 5, 2007
Klamath Falls Oregon
I have swapped to a 151 inch track from the factory stock 141 inch track. Any suggestions on gear changes to make the sled equal to what the factory ratio was would be appreciated? I am considering a 162" with a big bore kit Does anyone know if a 16 inch wide track will fit a 200 Mt Max 700?
If you have done what other mods were necessary to get it right.
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16" wide

You have to replace one chaincase nut with a stove bolt installed with the flat head on the track side, nut on chaincase and grind off any rivets that interferes with the track. If you have the stock MMax drop brackets they also have to be replaced with thinner material for clearance which will make your upper suspension cross shaft too short so you need to add spacers so you don't pull your tunnel in. Other then that pretty straight forward and a 162 is the only way to go in my opinion. I run 19/39 gears ( reverse ) on a 162 X 16 X 2.25 Camo 8 tooth extros. Big bores are ticking time bombs
"162 is the only way to go in my opinion. I run 19/39 gears ( reverse ) on a 162 X 16 X 2.25 Camo 8 tooth extros." what are you running this on?
Gear it as low as it will go. I run 19/43 in all my sleds, granted I am running 9 or 10 tooth drivers in them. Go at least 20/42 IMHO..............SRXtreme
