Valvoline 2 cycle oil 12.99


New member
Nov 11, 2004
Wyandotte MI
I was at Murrays today and seen this oil for 12.99 a gallon It is not synthetic is it any good. I am having a hell of a time finding Citgo sea and snow here in southeast MI around 48192. I called Citgo and they told me as of January 1 all meijers are gonna start carrying it again.
The Valvoline is TC-W3 rated... so unless you turn your sled into a submarine....

Check Gander Mountain or contact Beebe oil...

For that matter if you want to come to Fowlerville I'll sell you some Citgo. How much you want??
The Gander by me was no go I have some others to check out. I talked to Citgo today and as of January 1 Meijer is supposed to start selling it again. May take awhile to get back on the shelves.
Sandman, Gander is not that good for it anymore cuz I think they raised the price to $22.00. I think Yamalube is still around $25.00. Meijer should sell it for a good price. I'll let you know if I find some at westside stores. I switched the Vmax over to it 2 years ago before I sold it. Kinda miss the old Max!
I ran the valvoline in my 95 for over 4000 miles never had a problem. It looks and smells pre burnt and post burnt just like Yama lube. Maxdlx
I've used Yamalube, Valvoline, Quicksilver as well as Penzoil and Citgo in the past 12 years on the same two sleds and have NEVER noticed a difference. My sled doesn't care what the heck I put in it and i've seen it's guts a handfull of times and it always looks the same. I think being partial to oils for a 2 stroke is pretty dumb. Your sled is going to run the same no matter what 2-stroke oil you put in it, and i'm pretty certain nowadays the way GASOLINE is getting crappier and crappier that would be my main concern. 2-stroke oils are all equal I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY. If you can show me good hard proof that isn't just your opinion, or a story about how your friend Snopro Joe blew up his sled while running shitty oil I might believe you. Show me a study done by a NON BIASED group that proves one is better than the other. And I don't want any AMSOIL brochures either :)
