clutching question!!


New member
Aug 14, 2007
Labrador, CANADA
i have a 2004 viper mountain and the gearing was 23-40 and the weights were 8dn-10 and both holes had rivots in it. she revs at 9000 now. the stock specs for the viper was gearing of 21-40 and weights were 8dn-10 and had none in one hole and had a 10.3mm rivot in the tip of the weight! why is she reving at 9000rpm? i am changing my gears from 23 to a 20 top gear and keeping the bottom gear the same. im going to have it at 20-40. what will i do to elimintate the over reving? also why is i still over reving if there is extra weight in the clutch now and got higher gears then in the specs?
most mountain sleds come from the factory set up for use in the mountains(high elevations) . in makkovik you are at sea level or just above correct? the closer you are to sea level the more power the engine makes which causes the over rev .put in the gears you want to run and add weight to the arms to get the revs down where they should be.
yeah im at sea level. there is weight in my clutch weights now butim not sure what they are because i am the second owner of this machine but im trying to contact the guy i got her from to see if he knows what he put in there because Turk gave me a good set up but i needs to know what got in my clutch weights right now.
the clutching in that sled was never touched i dont believe, the guy that owned it never messed with anything like that. the reason it overrevs is because all vipers over revved from the factory, the sled has sea level settings installed in the jetting and the clutching already.
joe, the cluthing and gearing isnt stock on the viper when i got it. stock gearing for viper mtns was 21-40 and the gearing on her was 23-40. stock clutching was gwg primary spring, 15.6m rollers, and 8dn-10 none & 10.3mm in the tip of the weight. the weights on mine have 2 rivots the same size in the weights so that aint stock. the guy must of touched something.
ok i weighed my weights! they are 50.2 grams and the weight without any rivots in is 39.76 grams. so the rivots adds 10.4 grams to my clutch. how is that and why is she over reving with heavier weights then stock. my spring is stock green-white-green. would anyone suggest another spring for me?
