one more 2 cycle oil question


May 17, 2003
Lockport, Manitoba. Canada
one more Klotz 2 cycle oil question

I posted sometime ago about Yamalube 2S being a different oil than it was two seasons ago... I've had good opportunity to try it and I don't like it... It stinks bad and at -25C this oil flows like molasses...

Where in Canada can I buy Klotz in cases, for a good price?... Preferably near Winnipeg so I don't have to pay rediculous shipping costs...

any help is appreciated...

thanks tj
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TJ500 said:
I've had good opportunity to try it and I don't like it... It stinks bad and at -25C this oil flows like molasses...
Hmm really thats not good,a sled oil needs to have a good poure point..that
is cold
daman said:
Hmm really thats not good,a sled oil needs to have a good poure point..that
is cold

Daman.. I'm just one very fine, curly, blonde, hair away from buying Amsoil... What the hell, it's just money:)

How does Interceptor smell on the trail?....

thanks tj

Oh yeh... -37 C this morning...
I think it stinks too. Amsoil that is. In my opinion I think Amsoil quality has went down some in the last couple years. I am in the process of looking for a replacement oil now. I may go with the Quicksilver Snowmobile full synthetic. Walmart sells it for 25.00 a gallon. Meijer sells it for 32.99 a gallon.
TJ500 said:
Daman.. I'm just one very fine, curly, blonde, hair away from buying Amsoil... What the hell, it's just money:)

How does Interceptor smell on the trail?....

thanks tj
Oh yeh... -37 C this morning...
lol...yea it's not the best smelling but 'i've smelled worse,damn good oil tho,
any oil nowadays is pricy,shop around tj find somthing that makes you feel
right..let us know what ya settle on..
I cant find any quicksilver snowmobile oil a t any of the walmarts around here. It would be in with the automotive oils wouldnt it?
daman said:
Hmm really thats not good,a sled oil needs to have a good poure point..that
is cold

I was wondering the other day.

Back in the day when synthetic oil wasn't as available. Did sled burned up cause the oil pump couldn't move the thick oil @ -25C?

Actually even today's sled companies still sells regular oil. Is our oil pump stronger? It takes a while for the oil to warm up under there...
You would have to have some thick oil i would think for these newer pumps
to fail or not perform right,that's there main design to pump thick fluids,even way back in the day yamaha had one of the first oil injected sleds out there and you never heard of any pump problems,so i would say no not a issue..

i do understand your thinking though,makes sense, but todays oil's are better then ever with great PP(-57f) when talking synthetic's
