Any advice on a polaris ultra?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
A buddy of mine is interested in buying a '96 ultra sp 1 owner 2615 miles all stock.He thinks he can get it for 7-900 bucks, it appears to be in good shape, but was stored under a lean-to so its definetely been exposed to a little more weather.Anyone have any polaris experience?I'd prefer that he get a yamaha, but they are tough to find around here this winter and are more pricey, any help would be much appreciated.
If I am not mistaken those were some heavy chassis's. My dad had a Ultra SPX 680 triple triple triple. It ran strong but you felt all that weight.
my father owned 2 96 ultra sp.the 680's not the 700's..but those were nice can make them very fast also..sounds like a good price also.
well all polaris are famous for there polaris bogg. but he grew up with a kid that now runs a polaris dealer ship & a few little tweaks to carbs & clutchs.they were fun.add pipes they were animals
I have seen a couple of them that did run good but my buddy had dynoport pipes put on his and tried alot of different clutching but it never seemed to run very strong. Never did get it tuned well enough to beat my 97 sx700 which it sure should of as they claimed 140 hp with those pipes.
I have a 1996 Ultra SP with PSI pipes and some clutching done to it and it will run right with my SRX700 they never were 700's they were all 680's they were all good motors the 97 spx motor was alittle better as they added a extra oiler line to the crank bearings. I think for $700 he is getting a very good deal they are still bringing $1200-$1500 around here. If he buys it and wants to make it fast have him find a set of PSI modblaster pipes and then get ahold of me I have a good clutching set up and I have the jetting dialed in pretty close
I just did a 500 foot radar run last weekend with my ultra and my srx700 my srx 700 hooked pretty good off the line and pulled 81mph my Ultra spun probably the first 50- 75 feet and it still pulled 77 mph
those indy chassies are fast.look at haydays back in the day.early 90's the xlt at 91 hp was spanking the bigger hp sleds in the same class..yes stock class.
There was a guy that ran 2 old storms , 1 a 900 and 1 a 1000 , at the grassfire500 at my uncle`s place and they were crazy fast. I guess with the right tuner there were a few of the indy`s that would really roll.
yammy said:
My bud had one ..It blew belts all the time!
I had one for 3 or 4 years. Problem with them is the tourque limiter kept coming out allowing the motor to over torque witch busted my motor mount twice before I got it fixed. thats why the belts would break because the motor mount was busted.
These ultras were pretty nice sleds. And they looked good in the original wedge chassis as well.

We had a xcr600 monobloc and it was a great sled. The ultra will have more power than that xcr, and have the same chassis and pretty much the same weight.

For 700-900 dollars it is a good deal, provided it is mechanically sound, and looks ok.
2 years ago my riding buddy blew his ultra up twice in one year each time the center cyl. the first time i remeber walking up to the sled hood up and seeing the middle cyl a darker color purple, i told him to shut it off it was still running just not good. the second time the sled started to sound funny stopped pulled the plugs and the was metal all over the middle spark plug. he sold it after that for cheap without fixing it. he now runs a 2000 700 xcsp which gave him problems last year but he bought it used so you never know what you'll get. we figured it out this summer the reeds were no closing against the cage at all not it runs like a top. all of his problems with the ultrsa were on trails not lake racing.
sounds like a steal to me, those tripples sound GREAT and look pretty darn good in the old chassis. for that price you almost CAN"T go wrong lol!! got any pics?? I say pull the trigger and if he doesn't like it sell it on ebay for a profit more than likely. my $.02
We Had A 96 Ultra That We Ported And Added Slp Mod Pipes Too . It Was A Very Good Runner 120 -128 Mph Depending On The Air , It Loved "pistons " But That Was Our Fault , And If I Had To Do It Again I Would Use A Set Of Xcr Pipes No Porting And Trail Ride It . They Are Good Sleds. Almost Good Enough To Paint Blue .........
