oh how I LOVE a covered trailer...


Aug 9, 2003
Alton, NH
Just makes ALL the difference! Just made a trip up to Pittsburg NH to get my sled and bring it back down home, here in Alton NH. look at the nice clean sled and the terrible looking truck. damn glad we have a covered trailer :)



ahhh, how sweet it is ;)! :letitsnow
Couldn't agree with you more, and it's no nice not to have to try to take a nasty cover off of the sled from an open trailer.
Easy starts as well. My friend has a small heater in his enclosed trailer. I have a drive on drive off trailer so cannot enclose mine. I have seen some poly pods that goes over the individual sleds that may work. all Aluminum enclosed in my future enventually
plus you dont' get the paint chaffing from the tarp whipping it in the wind..

damn you better take that truck through the drive through wash a few time's wash your trailer too!!!
I couldnt agree more. My Avalanche is black and looks terrible after about ten minutes of driving in the snow and slush.But the sled still looks great!!
I do plan to get the truck and trailer washed as soon as I can, but it was -20* here this morning, not going to freeze everything shut lol!!
This is precisely why I don't trailer my sleds.

I have a drive in drive out shed with front and back roll up doors, and a dirt floor. I don't triale runless I absolutley need to. If I actually trailered mine, I would get an enclosed in a heartbeat.

Our venture was trailered on an open trailer a lot you can tell by looking under the hood. My 00 xcsp is factory clean becasue I don't trailer it, and when I did, it was ina 4 place enclosed of a buddy's.
horkn, doesn't it aggravate you everytime you put oil in the venture?? I love the enclosed trailer and agree with you totally... I wouldn't trailer if it was out in the open!
03viperguy said:
horkn, doesn't it aggravate you everytime you put oil in the venture?? I love the enclosed trailer and agree with you totally... I wouldn't trailer if it was out in the open!

Not as much now!!

It has a new oil pump now, and uses a lot less, and has more power to boot:)

But yeah, it makes me mad since it is not anywhere near clean under the hood of the venture.

Oh well, we just ride the heck out of it and call it a day:)
yeah, I had one of those 97 600 twins and with the stock pump I couldn't see through the cloud when I stopped lol!! was a LOT better once the updates were all done
03viperguy said:
yeah, I had one of those 97 600 twins and with the stock pump I couldn't see through the cloud when I stopped lol!! was a LOT better once the updates were all done

Yeah, I am pretty impressed with my first yamaha sled, as long as I don't open the hood;)

Did you have to pay for he updates, or did Yamaha take care of you? I have a feeling if I had bought this machine new, or anyone that could have noticed a little thing like excessive oil consumption would have bought it new, that Yamaha would have taken care of the oil pump at least. Instead it cost me like $175 for the part. Yamaha did rebuild this motor due to the piston ring locator falling out though. I don't know if it actually blew up, and how bad if it did, but I know it had that TSB done to it.

I used to live in Bethel Maine, not too far from you. I miss it out there sometimes......
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yeah, all my updates were part of the 3 year warranty, worked out nice for me for the most part. had a bad dealer at the time that made it harder than it needed to be, but it was still pretty decent. sucks you needed to pay for it, but I bet you got that $$ back quick with the oil saved lol!!
Not yet...

I only have about 250 miles on it since that oil pump has been on it. We had it done a couple weeks ago, and I put the 250 or so on the venture in one 4 day weekend up north. The other 150 or so I put on my XCSP.
