mixture wrong?

Busted Max

New member
Feb 14, 2006
Edmonton, Alberta
ok, i just got my carbs back and it has new plugs. started er up and runs good. but one thing, what mixture would make for my eyes to burn pretty bad, as the plugs cant tell me yet. my other sled doesnt do this.

rich or lean?
Boy not much info to go on,what sled?? you need to run it through the circuits pull plugs(use used plugs) and see,,we can't tell what you got for jetting..

using allot of oil?
i dont have old plugs. its a rebuilt motor. everything else is in the garbage.
its a vmax4.

all i need to know if its rich or lean. i am not risking taking out a brand new motor out for a quick ride if its lean to get the plugs colored.
i can't help ya then with the limited info you posted and with out knowing how you got it jetted or willing to ride it to check plug color im in the dark.

stock v4,stock jetting?? what year??,sounds like your rich.
Obviously ,whoever rebuilt it may have lubed everything on assembly.And it probably has original jets in it, and hopefully the person who rebuilt them knew what they were doing.So, providing you know how to install your new engine,bleed cooling system of air, and settup oil cable free play properly,fire that thing up.Get it unplugged of any assembly lube,dont idle it too long,and use on/off shots of throttle till it doesn't smoke.Use this period to bleed air out of cooling system at the bleed screws located under seat at rear heat exchangers, this is a must!Also use your old plugs if they are OK.Take it for a run.Of course you could also let an experienced technician do the work for you? I'm sure there will be more posts on here telling you how its done.SteveC
