Ipone / Maxuma Tundera R


New member
May 23, 2003
OK im not asking which is best or anything.

I just want to know of anyone who has run any of these oils in a srx and how the power valves looked when pulled out for cleaning and how many miles between cleanings.
Beacause the price of Amsoil is getting out of hand. Yes i know that these two oils are a semi-synthetic

Thanks Brad..
ipone is 100% stnthetic. It smells good, and is decent on PV, but not as good as intrceptor or klotz. Maxdlx
yes but with canadian dealers hit with a 29% increase since last september it's not that cheap.By the time i pay the shipping it costs me around $45 for a gallon jug
yea that is crazy$$,,my last case was $33 a gal...
all oil is getting to damn pricy for sure,,good luck on your hunt..
