HP gains


Jul 16, 2004
Brighton MI
I was wondering... with all the engine mods commonly mentioned here what kind of real horsepower gains can be expected on an SRX? 5? 10? more?

Most of the mods mentioned here are for the single piped Viper or SXR.
The SRX is close to peak performance bone stock.
Kinda what I thought. Money is probably better spent getting the clutching just right? Maybe a nice track? New stickers?! A weekend at a spa for the old lady?
the mods I stated are not for a SX-R or Viper but they are not cheap mods either. If you have a 00 -02 SRX, leave it as is but a 98-99 can use some improvements...
MrSled knows what he's talking about archer, if you want more power out of your sled, it would be a wise idea to take his suggestions seriously. Also, clutching would most likely produce some good results without costing you much money at all, defnetaly wont increase the horsepower of that engine though.
Not necessarily looking for more power-not sure I can hang on to her now. Just curious is all. I guess 2000 SRX is the cream of the (stock) crop! I dont even really have anyone to ride with that gives a darn about who's faster.
