Oil in fuel pump & head bolts loosening off


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I've had a couple of things happen to me today while firing up the SRX for the first time this year that I've never experienced before.First after getting the heads bolted back on and everything pretty well buttoned up I went to start the engine with a little priming down the cylinders with mixed gas,beats pulling my guts out.Well after having the engine fire and stall about half a dozen times I had to wonder what was going on because the priming method had worked for me every other time.Upon inspection of the fuel lines I find that they are full of oil not gas,WTF?Well I remove the lines and pull the engine over without the spark plugs in to pump the oil out,put the lines back on prime the cylinders again and voila she starts up and soon settles to an idle.
I let the engine warm up a while as I put some tools away and clean up a bit then I notice anti freeze on the floor,oh no!!!!I look at the hoses to make sure the clamps are tight and then I notice one of the bolts of the centre head has backed off,WTF again?I torque it down restart the engine and again let it warm up only to have another bolt on the same head back off.What's going on here!!!!I re torque all three heads and run the engine again to make sure it stays this time,so far so good but I have yet to field test it hopefully tomorrow.
Has anyone else had a head bolt back off on them?And what would cause my fuel pump to fill with oil?My oil tank didn't go down over the summer or not that I noticed anyway and I didn't have it leak into the carbs as I had them off to clean them.It's been a few years since I've had the fuel pump off so I can't remember how it's laid out inside as far as the oil inlet being separated from the gas so if anyone can shed some light here that'd be great.
The head bolts would not have backed off that quickly if they had been torqued properly. I would guess that you missed those two.

The bolts should be cross torqued in three steps, then go around and torque from one to the one next to it. Make sure you were using the correct torque.
as far as the oil ...i bet thecap was tight over summer and from the heat a little pressure built up in the bottle and just bleed out into the fuel pump and lines ....i have to leave the cap on a little quad open for that same reason or the carb and pistion will fill with oil ....
I not only had the fuel pump fill with oil the bowls did also. the good side was the bowls were completely clean, no varnish deposits at all. This was the first time I stored the sled up high on shelf in the shop. I was thinking of too much heat and pressure from oil tank also. As for head bolts. Did you use a torque wrench on all of the bolts? Remember to only retorqe bolts when head is cold, ie: room temp.
remove the head nuts 1 at a time and put a couple drops of loc tite and re torque. problem solved. i rebuilt my top end this fall and 1 day i noticed that i had a water leak. turns out that 1 of the cylinder nuts was gone. always use loc tite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are going to use loc-tite use the "blue" and not "red". Red is for permenate bond, requiring alot of heat to loosen if applied correctly.
I torqued all the head bolts in 2 steps as I always have before;I've had this engine apart enough times to know how to do it properly ;)! .I thought about using Loctite on the head bolts but hesitate to right yet as this is the first time I've ever had any back off so I'll wait and see if it happens again before doing that.
As far as the oil in the fuel pump I never thought of the heat causing pressure enough to push the oil like that but it sounds about right as I had the oil tank full for summer storage.That takes a bit of a load off my mind I was half thinking I was going to have to pull the pump apart and see what was going on inside that.
