I dont ask for help very often (any more, at least) but I need some now. I hit a rock in the road with the 2002 sxr600. I didnt notice at first but it didnt take long till I saw the front left ski pointing in a lot farther than it was before. I looked it over and found the bolt that connects the ski (C&A Pro) to the spindle was bent and the wear bar tweaked right under the the spindle. I got a new bolt and straightened the bar and when I put it back together it was still toe-in by 1.5 inches as measured to the track and right ski. I dont see anything else bent. I took some pics. Anyone see anything else?
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I can't tell in the picture, but check to see if the splines on the spindle are twisted on the shaft.
the spindle and tiller are splined, could have slipped on spline if impact was hard enough.
Are you sure nothing else is bent, even the tunnel alittle where the trailing arm mounts to it? Cause to me the a-arms look like they are forced foward in the bulkhead mounts, and forced backward at the trailing arm. Nothin looks bent, maybe tweeked though. It doenst take much to through ski alignment off in any sled. Aluminum moves easy.
What about the tie rods inside the sled under the hood. Both time I bent tie rods it was the inner part that bent. Maxdlx
I looked hard at them and they look OK but I didnt pull them out yet.
Def a prob with this picture... The spindle is supposed to be stright and not bowed like it shows. I think one you replace the spindle you will find that your alignment will be much closer to what it was. Tarcher said:The splines look OK but is it supposed to bent? I dont think so. Max, I really hope I dont find the same effect in the frame or bulkhead. I guess I can just "adjust it out" if I have to. Maybe.
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Ya, those spindles are supposed to be straight. They may be bent because they twisted the shafts a little.
New member
Bent Spindle...the Left Shock Kinda Looks Bent In That Picutre, But Cant Tell If It Is Just Distorted Or Actually Bent.
How big of rock did you hit, both spindles are toast. Did you happen to check the suspension? I hit a rock last week and sheared off one of my front heat exchanger protectors.
That trailing arm looks like it is bent to me . Looks bowed in a little
about 1/3 of the way back . SS
about 1/3 of the way back . SS
The pics are of the left spindle only. I turned it over for a shot of the other side. The shock does look a little bent in the pic but its not. I am not sure about what I hit but I dont remember anything that I thought was that serious. Its my wifes sled so now she's angry. I am having knee surgery next week that puts me out for the rest of the year so this weekend is our one and only trip. I have to get it fixed by then or I am in deep trouble.
New member
If you get by with a few new bolts and a new spindle, consider yourself lucky.
New member
Check the specs on the front syuspension on the right sde and see if the numbers are off. That will tell you if your trailing arm or anything else is actually bent.
We've changed MANY spindles for very same type of collision... new spindle almost always solved it... clobbering anything with tip of ski, will do it... tj
I agree with the Crewchief and TJ!? T