6,000 mile maintenence


New member
Oct 10, 2005
Wausau, WI
I have a 2003 yamaha sx viper that just turned over 6,000 miles yesterday. What kind of maintnence should i be doing to my sled to keep it runing great ? Just want to make sure the machanic doesnt screw me over. All help is appreciated.
Well if you havent done it, id say piston rings, but lots of Vipers are known to go for a long time before that. I just tore my SX apart for the first time at 7400 miles.
well, in one of the sections here, there was a thread about a guy who has 30000 kms, about 22000 or 24000 miles maybe??? And it was the original engine, never apart, also, i read in one of those horizon mags that was in the mail and some dude had 54000 kms on his sled with no rebuild
engine wise i would do rings and mic pistons to check wear numbers,doing
rings will bring back all the performance and efficacy back that's being lost
right now with blow by..

grease pto and axle bearings speedo side,,new chain case oil pull and clean carbs,check oil pump setting,choke, on and on.......
There was a guy out in Main that put 36,000 miles on his 05 rs venture in one season. Set a new world record. Never had to do any major engine rebuild.
NO the guy put 12,000+ miles on in two months, and that set the record. the sled has 36,000 miles on it total from previous years. that guy maintains his sled religiously.
go2snow said:
Either way kudos to him, that is amazing.
Go Maine! THAT a lot of riding.For your question Id replace the bearings dama n mentioned and remove all the wheels in your skid cause Im sure you have some either locked up or on their way to being so.
