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Good afternoon I'm typing this from my home town of Milwaukee
yes we like Beer/Brats/Cheese/Drinking and everything you heard about Milwaukee is True.
About me : I'm 25 years old and my 1st name is Brad, I'm in the HVAC field for residential. I do pretty much everything, installation/service/tune-up's/ some sales.
Well I have some Yamaha Enticer questions, reason I'm picking the Enticer is that for one its Light from every post/youtube vid I see. Just talked to a local guy and he said it can't weigh more then 300lbs. At 250cc I know its not a rocket ship but that's ok with me. From the info that I have gathered normal top speed it 35-40.
Since these sleds are not a normal full size and not mini style, more like Medium size I'm not using a Trailer. I will be using the back of my Grand Voyager that has ramps and wood in the back
for those that don't know the grand voyager has a TON of room when the seats are taken out. I can fit a 4x8 sheet of ply wood in there, hell I can fit more stuff in my van then most trucks. So I think the Enticer will be ideal in my situation !!!
I will be using this mainly for Ice Fishing, little bit of trail riding and back yard racing
I was told the plat-form/engine has been used for many years aka very reliable, I see that the carb. can be a PITA but that's the only negative I see.
Questions :
What is the Length & Width of the Enticer 250
What is the total weight
Whats a decent compression if I were to look at one ?
I see different Enticer 250/300/340/440 models, I know that the #'s are the displacement of the engine but what about the rest of the sled ? Is it the same thing as far as length, skis, tracks ? Or does each CC represent a larger beefier sled and options.
How many of you have/had owned one with good luck and over all
-up ?
Best place to find a use one ? I have been looking on Cragislist and ebay with some hits.
I see Bravo and Exciter, are these pretty much sisters and brothers of the Enticer or vis versus ?
250vs.340vs.440 is there much of a weight difference, I see a bunch of 340's for sale and from what I read there another dam reliable sled just like the 250
If you think I'm going in the wrong direction let me know, my goal is to purchase a sled that is smaller in cc/size/weight so it can be used under the conditions I mentioned. If there is another snowmobile that rings a bell that is similar to the Enticer please let me know. Even if its NOT a yamaha, see I used to ride Sport Bikes and the Best brand was HONDA and that was the staple for getting a bike that will last. I'm not educated enough on Snowmobiles to find out what brand is the STAPLE of snowmobile scene
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of Important questions that I'll add as the days go by.
- Brad -

About me : I'm 25 years old and my 1st name is Brad, I'm in the HVAC field for residential. I do pretty much everything, installation/service/tune-up's/ some sales.

Well I have some Yamaha Enticer questions, reason I'm picking the Enticer is that for one its Light from every post/youtube vid I see. Just talked to a local guy and he said it can't weigh more then 300lbs. At 250cc I know its not a rocket ship but that's ok with me. From the info that I have gathered normal top speed it 35-40.
Since these sleds are not a normal full size and not mini style, more like Medium size I'm not using a Trailer. I will be using the back of my Grand Voyager that has ramps and wood in the back

I will be using this mainly for Ice Fishing, little bit of trail riding and back yard racing

I was told the plat-form/engine has been used for many years aka very reliable, I see that the carb. can be a PITA but that's the only negative I see.
Questions :
What is the Length & Width of the Enticer 250
What is the total weight
Whats a decent compression if I were to look at one ?
I see different Enticer 250/300/340/440 models, I know that the #'s are the displacement of the engine but what about the rest of the sled ? Is it the same thing as far as length, skis, tracks ? Or does each CC represent a larger beefier sled and options.
How many of you have/had owned one with good luck and over all

Best place to find a use one ? I have been looking on Cragislist and ebay with some hits.
I see Bravo and Exciter, are these pretty much sisters and brothers of the Enticer or vis versus ?
250vs.340vs.440 is there much of a weight difference, I see a bunch of 340's for sale and from what I read there another dam reliable sled just like the 250
If you think I'm going in the wrong direction let me know, my goal is to purchase a sled that is smaller in cc/size/weight so it can be used under the conditions I mentioned. If there is another snowmobile that rings a bell that is similar to the Enticer please let me know. Even if its NOT a yamaha, see I used to ride Sport Bikes and the Best brand was HONDA and that was the staple for getting a bike that will last. I'm not educated enough on Snowmobiles to find out what brand is the STAPLE of snowmobile scene
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of Important questions that I'll add as the days go by.
- Brad -
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New member
wow that was a mouth full,
,,well it sure seems like you know what your
after,i think them sleds of that year all weighed the same give or take because of the twin vs. single. good little sleds i would have looked for a 300 or 340 twin(had one fun sled)but if your happy and it works ,good. not allot of info i think on that old girl but try a search..
you may want to up grade someday but what you are going to use it for it'll
welcome Brad....

after,i think them sleds of that year all weighed the same give or take because of the twin vs. single. good little sleds i would have looked for a 300 or 340 twin(had one fun sled)but if your happy and it works ,good. not allot of info i think on that old girl but try a search..
you may want to up grade someday but what you are going to use it for it'll
welcome Brad....
New member
i HAVE ONE THAT NEEDS A MIKUNI CARB CONVERSION FINISHED UP THEN GOOD TO GO. oops caps. It is a 78 Enticer 250. $250.00 and you can have it.
Welcome! We have a 1980 ET300 in the fleet, all original, basic maintenance and they go forever!!!
New member
daman said:wow that was a mouth full,,,well it sure seems like you know what your
after,i think them sleds of that year all weighed the same give or take because of the twin vs. single. good little sleds i would have looked for a 300 or 340 twin(had one fun sled)but if your happy and it works ,good. not allot of info i think on that old girl but try a search..
you may want to up grade someday but what you are going to use it for it'll
welcome Brad....
Maybe I confused you in that long bible I wrote but I did not buy one just yet...
I have been thinking about the 340's because there twin cc and I would Imagine at least an extra 25-35 hp.
Maybe a 340 would be ideal, still can do 60 and take on trails. I guess if they are pretty much the same in weight ill go 340
New member
ok i thought you bought one,sorry,,i'd look for a 340,had one they run good run forever nice little sleds..
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low slung
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Back in the day(1994) i saw a 340 twin enticer open a can of whoop-*** on a 1994 jag 2-up.The jag owner was shocked.These little sleds could hit close to 80mph.
New member
i know man there little rockets with skis!!! I borrowed one last year before I had the Mtn Lite when the bravo was gettin fixed, it can do about 115 km/h on the speedo!!!! Tgis is the "Newer" enticer if you know what I mean, its still like an '87 or older maybe, but its those ones with the big high windshields and the more "aerodynamic" model of the enticer, nice little sleds for scootin' around on, there pretty fun to!
if you can fit a 4x8 sheet of plywood in your van with the gate close, you can fit a 250-340 enticer in there (shorty). hauled my dad's 250 and uncles 340 lots of times in a 8' pickup bed with the gate closed. as it is your 1st sled i would suggest the 250 or a bravo shorty. they are lighter than the twins when you get stuck in the feilds/slush learnig how to drive it. it will be perfect for what you want to do.
dad's 1979 et250 has embarassed a lot of 340cc sleds around here. bugger is a little rocket.
dad's 1979 et250 has embarassed a lot of 340cc sleds around here. bugger is a little rocket.
New member
Them little enticer's you can throw around like a rag doll,fun to ride...miss
the one i had..
the one i had..
New member
There is one nearby for $400 obo so I'm going to call it up !!!
All good info and the only thing I would add would be to look at the height. Probably not be an issue but my buddy used to haul his Mach Z in his van minus the skies and he had to remove the windshield (it was a tall one).
I have a whole fleet of Enticers. I like the '80 340 the best. I transplanted a '85 Enticer skid and track into it (fabbed up a short tunnel extension). It really is a fun little sled to ride. The 250 is fun, but it just didn't get any of the newer ideas of time added to it. In '82 I believe, Yamaha went to the R246 engine (better setup) but came out with the Bravo to put it in. Now a long track Bravo is hard to beat for a light ice fishing sled that fits in the back of truck.
The 440's are whole different sleds. Not great for ice fishing IMO.