New member
I know on the tech site it tells you how to replace your track. But it also says to push the drive shaft to the speedo side. Sitting on the sled the speedo bearing is on the left so there is no way to get the drive shaft out that way. Im thinking it will have to go through the right side (crank side). My question is do I have to pull the speedo bearing off the drive shaft? I'm thinking thats the only way it will come out. But if I pull the bearing off does it need to be pressed back on or will the set screws do the trick? I know it sounds kinda stupid but I really do not want to screw this up. Any other tricks are welcome also. But that is where I am at. Sled is WAY UP in the air, Suspension out and cannot get the drive shaft off the sled..
Thanks in advance!
BTW, I am replacing my track.
I know on the tech site it tells you how to replace your track. But it also says to push the drive shaft to the speedo side. Sitting on the sled the speedo bearing is on the left so there is no way to get the drive shaft out that way. Im thinking it will have to go through the right side (crank side). My question is do I have to pull the speedo bearing off the drive shaft? I'm thinking thats the only way it will come out. But if I pull the bearing off does it need to be pressed back on or will the set screws do the trick? I know it sounds kinda stupid but I really do not want to screw this up. Any other tricks are welcome also. But that is where I am at. Sled is WAY UP in the air, Suspension out and cannot get the drive shaft off the sled..

Thanks in advance!
BTW, I am replacing my track.
bearing needs to come off. it is not pressed on. follow the directions in the tech section, they are pretty much spot on, although i dont agree with a few steps. if you cant get the bearing off following the tech guidelines, let me know.
is your chaincase off? chisel the 3 rivits off (I believe it's 3) that hold the tunnel side bearing retainer, then walk the shaft left or right (if chaincase is removed) to manuver the driveshaft out...
never taken speedo side bearing off until whole shaft was on workbench... tj
never taken speedo side bearing off until whole shaft was on workbench... tj
Active member
Sometimes you can get lucky and the speedo side bearing will come loose, but if not just hit the rivets with a chisel as mentioned above.
Also, loosen the chaincase. If you push the shaft to the speedo side, it will drop out of the chaincase side.
Also, loosen the chaincase. If you push the shaft to the speedo side, it will drop out of the chaincase side.
New member
Thanks for the help,
Yes the chain case is completely out. On the speedo side there are 2 rivets plus 3 screws to hold the bearing in place. I could knock those 2 rivets out and be able to get the shaft with the bearing still attached out. Thanks for all the replys, I'm going to go back and wrench some more. Thumbs up!
Yes the chain case is completely out. On the speedo side there are 2 rivets plus 3 screws to hold the bearing in place. I could knock those 2 rivets out and be able to get the shaft with the bearing still attached out. Thanks for all the replys, I'm going to go back and wrench some more. Thumbs up!
HitNWakes said:Thanks for the help,
Yes the chain case is completely out. On the speedo side there are 2 rivets plus 3 screws to hold the bearing in place. I could knock those 2 rivets out and be able to get the shaft with the bearing still attached out. Thanks for all the replys, I'm going to go back and wrench some more. Thumbs up!
the three screws you refer to are merely the studs attached to the inside retainer... without the rivits, all should come out easily especially if chain case is off... rivits were for assembly only... tj
New member
TJ500 said:the three screws you refer to are merely the studs attached to the inside retainer... without the rivits, all should come out easily especially if chain case is off... rivits were for assembly only... tj
That is great news!! Thank you! That is what Im going to do now. Enough trying to mess with this bearing.. I'll be ridding by tonight!
New member
I'd like to thank everyone again for the help.
Now I finished up last night and was putting the belt back on when I figured out that the track was backwards (spinning opposite of the arrow). I put the arrow the same way as the previous track that was on it. Why would someone install the track backwards? Can I run my new track like this? The new track is a Hacksaw 9043 121x15x1 studded down the middle 144. At least Im getting good at pulling this thing now! (Talk about a total let down after finishing!) Its my fault for not really looking at it and sorta embarrassing but man, what a bummer...
I'd like to thank everyone again for the help.
Now I finished up last night and was putting the belt back on when I figured out that the track was backwards (spinning opposite of the arrow). I put the arrow the same way as the previous track that was on it. Why would someone install the track backwards? Can I run my new track like this? The new track is a Hacksaw 9043 121x15x1 studded down the middle 144. At least Im getting good at pulling this thing now! (Talk about a total let down after finishing!) Its my fault for not really looking at it and sorta embarrassing but man, what a bummer...
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Dave M
New member
I would change it....It wil be faster this time... 

New member
Yeah Im thinking the same thing. It would have been nice to hear keep it the way it is, it will get you out of the hole faster. That would be nice!! Im taking a break today though. I will tackle it tomorrow Afternoon.
New member
Dude, I have spent so many times doing dumbass stuff like that but its all for a reason. the more you wrench on her the better you get at it and also may find something you may have miss or something else that needs attention. It is a bummer of a fealing when you think your done but really arnt. good luck!HitNWakes said:I'd like to thank everyone again for the help.
Now I finished up last night and was putting the belt back on when I figured out that the track was backwards (spinning opposite of the arrow). I put the arrow the same way as the previous track that was on it. Why would someone install the track backwards? Can I run my new track like this? The new track is a Hacksaw 9043 121x15x1 studded down the middle 144. At least Im getting good at pulling this thing now! (Talk about a total let down after finishing!) Its my fault for not really looking at it and sorta embarrassing but man, what a bummer...
New member
Well I finished my 2nd pull of the track and everything went much faster!! I also replaced the speedo bearing I was talking about earlier. It seems those go first and the new one compared to this old one was night and day. I have 4300 miles on this sled and hope to get another 4300 now! Thanks again to everyone! Going to go beat up the lake now!!