New member
use the ohm scale on the bottom .not sure what thr specs are for your stator or coils but use the range that your spec is in . example:if your stator spec was 100 ohm's use the 200 range. spark plug caps are usually 5000 ohms so you would use the 20k range .kysledneck said:what setting do you use to test coils, stator, etc for a 97 sx 700? replaces stator still getting intermittent spark or weak spark.Thanks
New member
The one that looks like a horseshoe
New member
Thanks! I got the specs! just not good with electric! seems my coils are bad! keeps coming up 0.09801srx said:use the ohm scale on the bottom .not sure what thr specs are for your stator or coils but use the range that your spec is in . example:if your stator spec was 100 ohm's use the 200 range. spark plug caps are usually 5000 ohms so you would use the 20k range .
How are you testing? 0 ohms is no resistance, in other words the wires are connected very well. You may be testing the wrong wires.
New member
in the manual it just shows the coils with the wires disconected and the multi meter sticking in each wire, It only has male and female socket ends I disconnected them to isolate & then tested! 0.0 is what popped up! I have my old stator & it doesent give a 0.0 reading but the coils are! When I pull the recoil the gauges light up so there is "juice"! got 118 compression in all 3 clinders. put fuel right down in the cly & nothing sometimes!Ding said:How are you testing? 0 ohms is no resistance, in other words the wires are connected very well. You may be testing the wrong wires.
VIP Member
kysledneck said:Thanks! I got the specs! just not good with electric! seems my coils are bad! keeps coming up 0.0
If you are reading on a too high of a scale you could read 0.0 since the meter resolution is not right. Connect the leads to the coil then switch the meter between ranges. If you short the meter leads together you will read 0.0 or very close or it is possible if you reading between ground and the coil and the hot is shorted to ground then you could read that low of resistance.
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You will need 200 on the dial for the first coil test and the 20K for the second test and the plug boot test. Make sure your + test lead is plugged into the correct hole. It is possible that your meter won't read low enough for the first test.

Dave M
New member
Crewchief to the rescue..... always have to cool drawings too..