Im done for the season


Jul 16, 2004
Brighton MI
probably. I just got back from having a new (used, from the salvage yard) tendon grafted into my right knee to replace a blown out ACL ligament. Doesnt hurt right now. Must be the Fentanyl injection and Oxycodone 'scrip they hooked me up with. U of M doctors are pretty good. Got the wifes SXR bent spindle fixed and we were going to make one last trip last weekend but when leaving the house on Friday night I slipped on the top step of my porch and hit the bottom step fast right on my back. That doesnt hurt right now either. Sorry no pics of ACL repair! Maybe if winter holds out long enough I might be able to get a gentle ride in by late March. For now its 2-3 weeks off work on disablity and a lot of TY surfing and TV!

EDIT- ACL has been troublesome for years. Fridays fall wasnt the cause of it. My surgery had been scheduled for 2 months.
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Hope you get better. Hang in there....I know the feeling, I got finger surgery last week and I don't think it will ever get better......But that is another story.....

Go to the video store and get a few good old classics and relax, make sure they treat you like a king of the couch ;)! .......

Thanks guys. I'm bored already. Kim is tired of playing nurse too. Only 13 more days to go! I have cadaver tissue in me. I hope he wasnt an Arcticcat rider!
Hey good luck man.... my brother has cadaver tendons also....hopefully yours works out better than his has... but he has been able to walk and fly (airforce instructer) for 5 years longer than without. :letitsnow
archer said:
Thanks guys. I'm bored already. Kim is tired of playing nurse too. Only 13 more days to go! I have cadaver tissue in me. I hope he wasnt an Arcticcat rider!


If you do get cat rider parts in you, then you will know why it broke in a year or 2.

Get well soon.:)
I've had it done twice , last one last year . Go riding , but take it easy , if you fall of with a brace on you'll break something else . I wore a short stiff brace and since I ride sitting down , it was as easy as sitting in the lazyboy , and a lot more enjoyable . DON'T cheat on the rehab !! Work hard and you'll be good as new in short order !! If you smoke , quit now , I did and it was easy ( more incentive !! ) because you will heal faster . Good Luck !!
I did it in 2001, surgery in May, tossed batting practice to 13&14 year olds end of June, golf at end of July, ski on Jan 1. Rehab went until mid Oct. 3 days a week 1.5 hrs a day. Paid off though and I'd do it again if I had to.
Good luck! ;)!
9 out of 10 doctors want you to get well soon.
The 10th one is still paying off his boat.
