Well, we booked the cabin for another weekend up North. I would rather of went during the week but a buddy of mine won't be able to get off work until Thursday night. Going to travel to Wellston again. The plan now is to travel South / West to Bass Lake, down to Baldwin, Back North to Luther North to Boon and then back west to Wellston. Hopefully minimal abuse to the trails due to it being Super Bowl weekend. Anyone else going riding? If so where? Al
hey al i went to wellston followed 6 into cadiallc than 5 to reed city ....nice stop got a fire pit to warm up around and bathrooms ...than back to baldwin and up to irons for dinner ....i belive it was about 200 miles
New member
614 trail isn't bad part of it goes through town though
This weekend we are staying at the LumberJack Lodge. Ya Ma Head did you go to Boon's fire pit? We like to fuel up, grab some hot chocolate and coffee and then hit the pit for a break. I have not been to Reed City, how is the trail? How do you get across 131? Traveling Friday morning. Al
Those are two good looking Phazers! We will be running, 99 700 SX, 2001 600 dlx, 93 Phazer II St, and a 91 Exciter II. We had to make other lodging arrangments, we will now be staying at Baldwin Creek Lodge. Still going to make the loop though. If you see us stop and say Hi. Al
We stay off 4 mile Road road by the Na Ta Ka bar. Going to Boon and Twin Creek area. Hope to see you around!
We stopped by at Na Ta Ka for some fuel and coffee last weekend. Maybe we will see ya around.
trail 30 goes west and goes rite under 131 ....i belive it is a bike path in some spots legalt for sleds and the rest is rail grade ,,,,and in reed city (fire pit)you can take trail 5 north to cadiallic ....and 6 back to wellstion ,,,,nice trip try iy outalswagg said:This weekend we are staying at the LumberJack Lodge. Ya Ma Head did you go to Boon's fire pit? We like to fuel up, grab some hot chocolate and coffee and then hit the pit for a break. I have not been to Reed City, how is the trail? How do you get across 131? Traveling Friday morning. Al
I think we try out the Reed City route. Looks fun, I have a buddy going which is not very experianced riding bought his first sled this year, Looks like a good long straight trail. Thanks, Al
New member
best advice for your friend is if he can't hold his line and stay on his side of the trail in a turn he is going to fast. be safe. I am riding from mancelona to irons next week. staying at my parents in irons then back to mancelona the next day
Just back from Baldwin area. Ran 226 miles on Saturday, wow what a perfect day for riding. Ya Ma Head, we took your advice and ran to Reed City and then North to the Caberfe trail system. Ran some old two track trails just South of 55 on the East side of 37. All sleds ran flawless. Stopped at Reed City for breakfast, no fire at the pit though. I saw many broken down sleds along the trail. 4 Arcti Cats, 2 Doo's 2 Yamy's and a Polaris. The Polaris looked as someone drug it down the trail with a locked up track and left along side at an intersection. All of the others had the hoods up and one guy was really pissed off at his F6 I have never seen anyone kick the crap out the hood like this guy did. Everyone we met along the trail had great trail manners, I mean everyone we came up two was using hand signals and relatively responsible speeds. Can't wait to go back North. Al