Can I run a 136" track without extending my skid


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Hi guy's,

I am wondering if I can run a 136" track without extending my 121" skid. Can I just move the skid 7" further to the rear? I have a tunel extension and I am running an extended Yamaha skid but she is houred out. I just picked up a Ad Boivin 121" skid in mint condition, it is the Expert model, not the Expert X. I could probably fab my Yamaha extensions to work but figured why could I just not move the skid to the rear? I'm good with the drivers and heat exchanger's and the such but am just wondering if it will throw off the handling?

Thanks in advance for your time.
That's a lot of set back. I don't think it will work very well, but since I haven't tried it - can't say for sure. Sounds like a rough riding, heavy sterring, track stabbing way to go to me.
AD Boivin

Thanks for the input guys, I will probably shift the skid 1" to the rear and run a 6" extension then. Now I just need to find one.
