need help with chaincase!!!


May 17, 2003
Lockport, Manitoba. Canada
I have just reassembled and reinstalled my chaincase after replacing every bearing in the skid and on the drive line (ie: chanincase seals and bearings and PTO side bearings,both jackshaft and drive shaft)....

My question is this: how can the chaincase oil get to either bearing when the seal for each bearing is still on, facing the inside of the case???? I placed all together just as I removed it and even took a photo of the seals facing the inside of the case.....

I removed one seal on each new bearing just as they were upon removal but, this side of the bearings went to the tunnel side....

It appears as though these bearings can't get any chain lube....Or can they?

Please help....

thats is not right......the seals are to the back side of the housings.......are you talkng about the dust seal on the bearing itself???
need help with chaincase

Just tore my case apart and my bearings are the same way with seals in oil bath. Went seven thousand miles that way.
if you look at the exploded view you will see the main shaft seal is most likely to the outside...but those bearing are sealed bearing, they are not suppose to need the oil from the chaincase.
MrSled!! Yes I am referring to the dust seal on the bearings themselves..... Those that I removed had only one dust seal each....That dust seal faced the inside of the chaincase with the side of bearing with dust seal removed, was facing the tunnel side..... There was no "grease" inside those bearings I removed yet there seemed to be a little chain oil in there....

I can't see how these bearings get lubed with oil when the dust seal is preventing lube from entering the bearing....

Sorry....I should have been more clear on which seal I was referring to...
TJ - yes your eyes don't lie
On the chain case, the jackshaft and drive axle bearings have the bearing
seals to the INSIDE. Yamahas explanation is more harm can come from
metal shavings from your gears and chain than from anything else-the magnet on your dipstick can only hold so much metal. There are seals on the outside also-that seal from outside stuff too! I don't know excactly how the bearings are lubed either? are thier passages that some gear oil gets to them??-anyone?? I have changed many tracks in the past few years and I always squirt some grease in the bearings before I put one back together.
TJ500 - That's a great question. I've wondered the same thing many times and decided that it would be safer to just leave both seals on my replacement chaincase bearings. At least that way tou know the grease that came inside the bearing will stay there and no contaminants will get in. Maybe I'm wrong but I've been doing this for several years on my SRX & will be doing it this year on my Viper when I replace the chaincase bearings (call me crazy but I replace them every season - I figure it's cheap insurance).
