Reverse Kit Sold On Ebay For....


Argentino Loco
Aug 18, 2005
Mound, Minnesota
I can't believe it...I just saw a reverse kit off a 99 vmax 500 sell on Ebay for 550 bucks....I think a few hundred bucks more and you get a new one....

I was asking 350 for mine a few months back, maybe it was to cheap....well it end up getting installed on my sled.... ;)!

Just want it to share it...

Weird stuff too, I had a set off 600 pistons on ebay, they sold for 25 bucks (all 3 complete and low miles) and the guy did not pay for them....I'm glad because I did not want to sell them for that....but that was the auction......Crazy....
Yeah, the reverse kits for yamahas in the pro action days were pricey, much more than any other brands. Like 250 for other brands to like 550 for a yamaha.

It's nice that most new yamahas have reverse standard.
500 is very high I had high bid on that reverse kit for most of the auction but was out bid at the end most times they go for 200 to 300 bucks been looking for one for a while. Maybe someday i will find one for the right money.
i've been trying to find a srx exhaust muffler for a long time now, but all of them are going for like new price of $150. I can't believe there is that much of a demand for them that they aren't down around like $75 (for just the exhaust can). some things i don't get with ebay, but there are some good buys on others
