I just bought a 92 phazer this past december and was curious what the max rpm should be at wide open throttle. I'm seeing around 6500rpm, but it just seems like the sled could have a little bit more, I seem to have a bit of slack in the throttle cable and wondered if theres any adjusting I could do in that to give me a bit more top end. Anyone have some insight on this?
New member
Many factors effect this , Belt wear, carb jets , pack snow, powder? One thing to keep in mind the Phazer is a good mid range trail sled. Not a muscle sled. If your looking for real HP , this is not a top speed machine, its good and quick but not a speedster. Great at breaking trail , light weight and real fun! However, I have a 1991 and Ive seen the tach go to 7000 and slightly higher on full throttle. My SRX will peg 9000 and move so fast it will pull you off the sled.
Well I've got a new belt on.... it just seems like there's a little bit left that it could do. My speedo shows 65mph on a good clip, maybe a bit more. What's confusing is my neighbor has the same exact sled and they're making claims (i know... they're just claims) of hitting 77mph.... sounds a bit unreal but it made me wonder on how well mine was tuned.
New member
Lot of things to check - could be the clutching. Could be the condtions. My '96 Phazer II only did 70mph today in 35 degrees on soft snow. While on cold dry days on packed snow it will do 80+. Once you get her dialed in those Phazers are a blast to ride - can't break 'em.