

VIP Member
Feb 5, 2006
Ballston Spa, ny
Just got done with chain case. Removed cover and changed fluid. Got it all back together and now it will not come out of reverse. Lever won't move. I didn't touch anything at all inside just cracked cover open and let it drain, then reinstalled. All the linkage it fine and moves freely, didnt move any of that either.. Anyone have any idea what the hell happened, and what to do now..
try driving the sled forward some then retry, it just may be binding some.
if not open it back up see if you can see somthing not right.
right now the clutches are not back on it yet. i will try tonight after I get it back together. Alot of times when put into reverse it is hard to get in so you may be right there, lol!!
I dont understand how I didnt touch anything, just cracked the case to drain and it was in foward. Day later go to put it back together and its in reverse and won't go into foward..
I did try spining the track by hand and that didnt do anything.. I'm getting sick of this sled being such a pain in the ***!!
xtc700jeff said:
I dont know what happend ,but isn't there a drain plug on the inside of the tunnel. Hope you get it figured out .

Yes but it is best to take cover off to inspect everything and remove metal shavings.
Anyone have any idea what could have happened here?? I've tried everything and it won't come out of reverse...
Please help!!
sounds like you have gotten the shift fork bound up on the lower gear. remove cover again, align shift fork with grove in lower gear. cafefully install cover. test shifting before refilling with oil.

The bottom gear mounting bolt is spring loaded and I have seen them loosen off and do damage. Make sure the bottom bolt is in place If it is loose it will bind. It is easy to install again and align shift fork in groove
Thanks guys for the info! I will try it tonight when I get home from work. Since I didnt do much more then crack the cover open to let oil out, and look for shavings, I don't know where the shift fork would be.
Anyone give a quick explanation of where to look in case, and what it may look like. Just want to be sure I have an idea so I don't mess with the wrong thing.
Thanks so much for your help!!
Ok, just pulled the whole cover this time. Very easy to see what happened, I feel stupid now, But I've never pulled a cover on a sled with mechanical reverse.
There is Dual forks that go in the large grove in a big ring that pulls the gear in and out just as stated.
Just for anyone who may read this in a search in the future, Best way to do this is to pull cover off and up and hold it, with your hand inside on the fork push fork foward over top of grove in large ring and push cover down making sure forks stay in grove as it slides down the ring. test movement of lever to make sure both f/rev work and put back together, then fill with oil.

Thanks for the info!
