New member
I have 2 sleds. Both 94 v-max 600. I let a buddy use them for a few hours. i thought it was him and his wife but it was him and his kids. Anyways I got them back and noticed one stud that was pulled out but still on it. It was on outside section of the track. It is still attached but pulled out a chunk that is as big as the backing plate. I a very careful as to not spin the track as much as possible so no studs pull out. I know it happened with him because I inspected the whole sled before he took them.
Anyways my question is do I just pull out the stud and let the chuck sit there and flap? I really do not want to replace the track right now with all the good snow.
Don't let you friend borrow your sleds. So far it is a pulled stud, A smashed cover for the TSS front and one idler wheel on the suspension.
Needless to say I will be one less friend after this I think.
Just worried about the track. The rest is not that big a deal
Anyways my question is do I just pull out the stud and let the chuck sit there and flap? I really do not want to replace the track right now with all the good snow.
Don't let you friend borrow your sleds. So far it is a pulled stud, A smashed cover for the TSS front and one idler wheel on the suspension.
Needless to say I will be one less friend after this I think.
Just worried about the track. The rest is not that big a deal
New member
cut the flap off. post pics to see how bad the damage. i would take all the studs off on the outside of the track since they are more prone to tear out anyway.
New member
I will get some photos tomorrow. I was doing some searching and someone said to take the stud out. Then take a torch or lighter and burn all the strands so they do not fray. Then get a upholstry needle and thread and sew it back in. Then get some type of glue that works on rubber belting and glue up all around it? I may give it a shot. I just need to get thru the year and I only plan on riding another maybe 500 miles.
I would cut it out but its right inline of the rear idler.
I would cut it out but its right inline of the rear idler.
I run 144 studs most 96 in the center and 48 on the outside. I have not had one stud pull through on any of our sleds. Yes we are carefull, but still run hard, approximatly 2,000 miles per year. Concerning the flap, I would try to trim the flap. Flame out any loose cords, in the off season you might want to locate a replacement track, have your friend help with the repair. This way you would keep a friend and he would understand what it takes to repair these machines. Good luck Al