Yes I know this is about a Polaris but I'm hoping someone can tell me where to look for the info on the flash codes of the old RXL's?My bud put a second hand engine in his 93 RXL,for some unknown reason,and now has a 1 long 2 short flash code on the ecu but neither of us has a clue as to what it means.He did all the work himself so I'm only assuming everything is back together properly as far as connections etc and he doesn't want to run it until he knows what it means.He had the last engine go down when the battery's charge got too low as a result of the charging system being junk (IMO) and it leaned the engine out resulting in a couple of scored cylinders and a banged up head so we're hoping someone can supply the info we need.
New member
Well, I have an efi fuji 488 LC. That is essentially the same efi system on it as the rxl's, just with only 2 cylinders instead of 3. Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for me, we have never had any codes in the 5k that we have had it. The only running issue we had with it was when it was new to us, and under the dealer's 30 day guarantee. It wore a hole in the insulation of the wiring harness and it died. It threw no codes, but it died immediately. For us, it happened to be a zero dollar fix. And that was with under 1500 miles on it. Over new years weekend we turned over 5k on it. It's been a 100% totally reliable sled.
I think there are a couple rxl guys on here...
I think there are a couple rxl guys on here...