Tech Diagnosis help... Ate secondary clutch.


New member
Feb 7, 2007
Maple Grove Mn
Hi Folks,
Putting this in general because it is probably a general tech question.

94 Vmax Ate the bushings and buttons on the secondary clutch. Sled still moved well enough to get it home, but was clearly "off". Had the clutch rebuilt (ouchie... bushing expensive for a thin strip of metal). But the sled still seems "off" and gas milage is still suffering. Before, the sled would get 9-10mph, while damage, 6 mpg. Right now with the new bushings and buttons it ate about 1.5 - 1.6 Gallons over 10 miles. It seems a bit slower off the line, seems to rev higher at lower speeds, may have lost about 10mph on top end but not really sure. I put some graphite powder into secondary surfaces other than the sheaves and things seemed to have improve a bit, but very subjective.

Engagement RPM seems about right and RPM tops out about 8K.

Any suggestions? Work was done by Yamaha Shop (heinens in osseo mn).

Thanks in advance,
what about the primary? i would question the movable shieve and cap bushings....back to the secondary what about the helix? is there any abnormalities on the cam itself? excessive heat will eat up bushings in a hurry, hows the clutch allignment? any of these will cause heat buildup.
bolin22 said:
what about the primary? i would question the movable shieve and cap bushings....back to the secondary what about the helix? is there any abnormalities on the cam itself? excessive heat will eat up bushings in a hurry, hows the clutch allignment? any of these will cause heat buildup.

The Mech at Heinens said the primary looked perfect (I actually though the original problem was going to be the primary, so they looked at it first). I would have expected them to mention any issues with the helix during the rebuild of the secondary and I also would have expected alignment to have been checked after re-installation of the secondary. (I suppose my expectations may have been too high) Is it possible that the bushings take some time to get seated properly after replacement?

Thanks for the response.

no prob just trying to throw some common problems your way. give the clutches a good once over again and make sure the belt is in good shape.
