New member
I just put a m10 in my 04 viper.first ride everything worked great .I knew I would have to adjust track tension .so after 40 miles I tightened up 1 side to line up hyfax and center the track.now there is like a rumble sound....like the upper bogieis rubbing on the inner track lugs.so this past weekend I started measureing the distance between the bogie and the track. one side had a clearence of about an eight the other side was actually rubbing on the trackinside lug .making a sqeeking niose as I turned the track wich was very hard to rotate.so I adjusted the track were the bogies had clearence on both sides.the track moves very easy now but the the measurement from hyfax to clip is off by a eighth from side to side.I think I cured the noise problem..issue..... I measured the distance on old suspension bogie to bogie 14&3qrt the m10 measured 14....3qrter of an inch difference..... Any susgestions or hot tips would be appreciated

New member
I usually just make sure the rails are centered looking thru the track windows.I've never found it necessary to get too technical with this, also run the track as loose as possible especially if you don't have studs to worry about hitting something in there.You may want to make sure your that your chain is tensioned correctly also as this can make some noise also.
M10's like loose tracks. 2-3" when you pull down firmly at the center of rail. To tight and they bind up......
New member
they like it loose! if you lift your sled in the air the track should hang with no wieght on track about 1" or 1.5" in the center of the rail. don't worry about centering it in the windows. when you loosen it the rumbling will go away.