Just baught 01 srx 700


New member
Feb 2, 2009
so i finally switched over from arctic cat to a yamaha and i absolutely love it. as far as i can tell ive oonly put 60 miles on the sled because i got it a week ago but This SRX is a awsome machine. i was looking at the engine and i saw that the guy i baught it from had no air filter and i was wondering if that was ok or should i buy the filter for it the sled seems to run really good without it but im afrain of moisture gettin into the carbs.. also what are some of your guys thoughts of this sled 01 srx 700.... likes, dislikes, any cheap mods that can give it a little more zing or even more expensive mods taht you think would really help the sled for trail riding or for performance.....thanks alot
caspur413 said:
so i finally switched over from arctic cat to a yamaha and i absolutely love it. as far as i can tell ive oonly put 60 miles on the sled because i got it a week ago but This SRX is a awsome machine. i was looking at the engine and i saw that the guy i baught it from had no air filter and i was wondering if that was ok or should i buy the filter for it the sled seems to run really good without it but im afrain of moisture gettin into the carbs.. also what are some of your guys thoughts of this sled 01 srx 700.... likes, dislikes, any cheap mods that can give it a little more zing or even more expensive mods taht you think would really help the sled for trail riding or for performance.....thanks alot

i bought a 2001 SRX this year too, i will agree that it is truely awsome to ride. my only dislike so far is the suspension is lacking in the travel department, wich i knew before i bought it. i just wanted that venerable SRX logo on the hood. it is a respected sled because of its performance, gas mileage, relaiability and the ability to carve like its on rails in the twistys. i dont know much about the performance upgrades besides what ive read on this site. do a few searches and you will find a ton of info on anything you will ever need to know. this site is great and ive learned a ton about my sled form the info on here. have fun with your new machine and happy searching!
the srx is an amazing sled for sure nothing like it,i suggest do searches on here on power valve cleaning and adjusting, clutching,and general maintenance specs,tons of info here on that sled.

welcome aboard!!!
thanks alot guys wat abou the air filter situation i have one ordered but didnt know if the guy i got it from had it off for a reason?
you'll love that sled..try to leave it stock if you can..plenty plenty fast enough..after you get into adjustable wieghts & things like that they become a bit more tempermental with fine tuning.now you got a 01 so there isnt even need to change jets..like daman said premium fuel everytime possible.& powervalve maintance is a must on these things.cant stress it enough...so fuel up & enjoy the rest of the winter.
what do you mean by powervalve cleaning like take um out after every few rides and just clean um....
