Fuel Treatment


New member
Feb 1, 2008
I was wondering if adding a fuel treatment all the time would be a good idea in my viper??? I travel all over NH and Maine sledding and never know how one gas station to the next will be so would putting an additive in be okay "all the time"?
what kind of additive??? maybe some octane booster would be a good idea besides that dunno what else you could use,there was a post earlier from
pup stating something about a ethanol additive to help with that. try a search.
On fuel treatments there so many out there it's very confusing on what to use.Personally I've been using PRO-Ma gas treatment.I've been using it in my sleds, outbourds and also my vehicles.Does it work? Well one thing I can atest to is that any time I tore down a carb to check the internalls the insides looked like a swiss watch inside (clean).I would say it's a good product but then everybody has a different judgement.
