Marvel Mystery Oil


New member
Feb 26, 2008
Hey there fellow Yamaha people. I have a 2003 Viper ER that I recently had at the dealer having the carbs cleaned. The dealer told me that I should be running Ring Free additive in the gas. I never herd of the stuff before so I googled it. I came up with all kinds of crazy talk about it. One of the thing I found was that people were saying you should just use Marvel Mystery oil claining that it would do the same as the Ring Free. Does anyone run Marvel in their sled?
I am not a fan of fuel additives but I am also not a fan of expensive power valve repairs.
Thanks for your thoughts and ideas
I'm also not a big fan of additives but I've seen enough damage from the new 10% ethanol fuels to add something like marvel mystery oil to my gas. It's a good gentle cleaner. The ethanol fuels not only separate, but they also do apretty good job of loosening any crud that in your tank and sending it into your engine. Stabil just came out with a stabilizer specifically for ethanol fuels. It has 4 times the cleaning agents of regular stabil.
At work we run a fleet of boats with twin Yamaha 225 hp outboards and another fleet of boats with twin BF225 Hondas. I'm responsible for about 30 Yamahas and 34 Hondas. the places that use the ring free in their fuel consistantly have less problems than the ones that don't. I tried to get the people that take care of the fuel to just add it but unfortunately it's not that easy, seeing that my boats are spread out over a 400 mile radius. To make a long story short, RUN THE RING FREE!!!!! It is the real deal and I swear by it.

Heres one of my boats....

I am an afficianado of anything old with an engine. I have owned many old motorcyles, snowmobiles, and cars. I love to "rescue" them, and love the challenge of getting them running gain.

I have become a big fan of Seafoam and Marvel Mystery Oil. I believe they help to keep the fuel systems clean, clean out deposits on the valves and combusion chamber, and keep rings clean and free in the piston lands. Run a Seafoam mix through an old engine and they really perk up. On my old 1980 Gold Wing (stored without running for 16 years) the compression improved from 90-100 lbs to 150-160 after 3 tanks of Seafoam fuel mix.

Not sure, but I would guess Yamaha found a way to put their name on a similar product, and called it "Ring Free".
Nice fleet.

Jr. and I had a chance to visit the 9 Mile station on LSC with his preschool class. He loved the BB-chebby air boat they've got.

I have to ask though, where was the photo taken. That bridge in the background doesn't look like anything I've seen in Michigan.

Thank you for your service.
A girl I work with tried to start her 2002 Saturn in the last cold snap (-22F) with a remote starter. When it would not start it was towed to the local garage and they told her the low compression readings meant it had a blown head gasket. They and another garage quoted her a ~$1000.00 repair bill. With 120,000 she decided not to repair the car and they offered her $800.00 for the car. The next day knowing how well she took care of the car and willing to take a chance on replacing the head gasket myself, I offered her $900.00. Brought the car home on my neighbors flat bed and pulled it into my heated garage. Compression readings were all over the place and not consistant. So, I added a little Marvel Mystery Oil into each cylinder and you guessed it........ she started up and purrs like a kitten ! :)
snomofo said:
I have to ask though, where was the photo taken. That bridge in the background doesn't look like anything I've seen in Michigan.

The new I-280 bridge in Toledo looks like that and there are several in the Boston area that look like that. I'm sure there are more.
snomofo said:
Nice fleet.

Jr. and I had a chance to visit the 9 Mile station on LSC with his preschool class. He loved the BB-chebby air boat they've got.

I have to ask though, where was the photo taken. That bridge in the background doesn't look like anything I've seen in Michigan.

Thank you for your service.
No idea, I didn't mean that it was one of MY boats, I meant that it was the same as the ones I work on. I went back and re-read my post and I wasn't very clear about that. WHOOPS!!!
sea foam works and so does mystery oil. the best way to avoid these problems is to buy a 4 stroke!!!!!!!!!! i did 2 weeks ago and i love it!!!!!!!!!! BUT i kept my SX700. why, you ask? because :2strokes: shes old but so is my grandmother and i love them both.
I've been a big fan of marvel mystery oil for over 15 years. I've seen a bigger bang for the buck out of mystery oil than Seafoam. I use seafoam too but compared to mystery oil it's a little pricey for everyday use.
