what do you think is the coolest, nicest and the best Yamaha sled ever?


New member
Mar 4, 2008
Since the first 1968 Yamaha sled, there have been a lot of cool, nice and good sleds.

but what do you think is the coolest, the nicest and the best sled ever made?

here's my list::

the coolest sled ever most be the ET250 from 1982 :) I really love that one!

The nicest sled most be the 1997 Vmax 4 (not because I almost have one my self, but I have it because I think so! ;) )

The best sled ever got to be the Nytro XTX

remember guys, this thread is just for fun so behave ;)

Maybe we can find a winner here

Best sled: Exciter's 76 -82 tougher than nails!
My favorite :SRX 98 -02 awsome trail sled and lake runner! with a good setup runs with the bigger sleds!
Coolest : VMAX 4 .4cylinders of just raw power!
My 2 cents,
I don't have one anymore but those 94-96 V-max's are STILL the coolest LOOKING sleds on the snow.
I like this one! V-max 4 800 (this one is my own):

need to see more pictures of the max 4 :D anyone??
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Another vote for the 95 Vmax-4 800. First year of the big 800 and black. Not a fan of red.

These sleds were waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy ahead of their time. Nothing even close in the mid 90's. Every other year at least had some competition. But not the V-4's
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coolest =1997 vmax4 800
nicest= 1997 vmax4 800
best=1997vmax4 800
has it all. ride,power,speed,looks
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:bling: I have had 20 yamadogs in my life, i now own a..2006 APEX....love the sled...best looking sled hands down is my ..viper.....i own a 02 blue but would love to have a black viper...dam..that sled is sexy as hell......

Now i also have a 93 vmax-4.....what a monster...... and to fill a hole in my line up i just picked upa 89 exciter with 900 miles....love them all! :bash:
Coolest - 81 SRX (my first sled) ran like a scared animal!
Most fun - 91 Phazer - light, easy to throw around and just plain fun!
Nicest - My 95 Vmax 600 (see pic) 9,000+ miles and never broke, miss it like I miss my first love !!
Best - has to be the Nytro FX, just bad to the bone !!!!


  • VMAX 600 Pics 045.jpg
    VMAX 600 Pics 045.jpg
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Nicest - Attak GT with its 136 track and GYT-R clicker shocks
Best - Nytro XTX
Best looking - The viper has to be one of the best looking sleds made.

